Title: Caught in a Moment
Author: Terra, or
static_star18 Rating: PG
Warnings: Noah singing?
Disclaimer: I don't own Luke, Noah, Emma, or the Afters. Or anything else. So don't sue!
Beta: No one but me!
Author's Notes (A/N): This is birthday fic for
forbiddenromanc , and this started in a comment thread that can be found
here. Yes, there is singing!Noah in here. I wasn't kidding.
When Noah usually wakes up, it's to the smell of breakfast being cooked by Emma and the sweet sound of Luke's voice. Today, however, that wasn't the case. He woke up to Emma shaking him awake. "Ugh," he groaned, "did I miss breakfast?"
"Sorry, Noah, but I didn't make breakfast today. It was a fend for yourself morning. There's just too much to do today."
Noah sat up, noticing that the house was in disarray and empty except for him and Emma. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. "I don't have any classes today, so I'm free to help. Plus, it'd be nice to pay you back for all the hospitality you've shown me."
"Noah, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to pay me back. However, if you really want to help. I have to go to town today to get some groceries and pay some bills. Do you think you could clean the kitchen and do the dishes for me? And, maybe even do a load of laundry?"
"Of course I will," Noah said as he grabbed some clothes to change into.
"Thank you Noah! Okay, Holden is out with Jack, Lily has Ethan and I think she's at work, Faith and Natalie are at school, and I think Luke has about three test today, so he'll be gone for at least a few house. You know where all the cleaning supplies are, right?" At Noah's nod, she continued, "Okay, the red bottle is the surface cleaner, the green bottle is the floor cleaner, and the blue is to be used with the dishes," she told him as she got ready to go. Just as she was out on the porch, she stuck her head back inside. "Noah," she said, "if you play your cards right, you just might get a better place to sleep from now on," she said, winking.
"Emma, don't worry. You don't need to bribe me with a bed. Everything will be fine. Go do what you need to do. Wait, I can use the CD player, right?" Noah asked her.
"Of course," Emma said. She gave him a few more instructions and left. He mopped the floor, let it dry, and cleaned the rest of the kitchen before he put a CD in the player and started washing the dishes. The soothing sound of The Afters filtered throughout the house as Noah worked. He even started to sing along. He never heard the car pull up to the farm, or the back door open.
As Luke pulled up to the house, he heard an unfamiliar song filtering through the open kitchen window. He opened the door and was surprised at what he saw. Never in his life did he think that Noah would ever do dishes. Or sing. 'Lord, Noah's a great singer,' Luke thought as he snuck his way inside the house. He sat down at the now-clean dinner table, 'When did that happen?' and just listened to his brunette boyfriend sing his heart out.
Noah never noticed that Luke was there. He just stayed there, finishing up the remainder of the dishes and wiping down the counter that had gotten wet. He was so happy, and the song was so good, that he couldn't help but sing.
Far away, I feel your beating heart
All alone, beneathe the crystal stars
Staring into space, what a lonely face
I'll try to find my place with you
What a Beautiful smile
Can I stay for a while
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love
Larger than the moon, my love for you
Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through
The secret of the world is written in the stars
I'm carrying your heart in mine
What a Beautiful smile
Can I stay for a while
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything right
My beautiful love
Maybe a greater thing will happen
Maybe all will see
Maybe our love will catch like fire
As it burns through me
What a Beautiful smile
Can I stay for a while
On this beautiful night
We'll make everything all right
My Beautiful love
As Noah finished singing, he turned around and saw that Luke was sitting at the table, listening intently to every word coming out his mouth. He instantly blushed. "Luke, wha...don't you have tests?"
"I did, but they were easy. I got through in a little under an hour and a half. So, you didn't tell me you could sing."
"That would be because I'm not a good singer," Noah said, staring at the floor.
"That is the worst lie I've ever heard, and I've heard some bad lies. You're great. What song was that? It was beautiful," Luke said, lifting Noah's chin so he would look him in the eye.
"It's Beautiful Love by The Afters. It's my favorite song by them. I..every time I hear that song I think of you, and me, and us, but mostly you," Noah rambled, staring into Luke's chocolate brown eyes.
"It's perfect. Just like you. Now, kiss me, you romantic," Luke demanded, pulling Noah into a heart-stopping kiss full of all the love they felt for each other.
"You know, no one's going to be around for at least another hour," Luke said suggestively in Noah's ear after they ended the kiss.
"Mmm, I know, but Emma said if I played my cards right I'd get a new sleeping arrangement. If everything works to my liking, we'll be moving my stuff into your room tonight. Now, help me with the laundry, please? I can't figure out how to start the thing."
"And, there goes the moment," Luke sighs. "Come on, my singer, let me show you how to work the washing machine from hell."