Everyone needs to call my phone and listen to my kickass voicemail. 4**-969-2550 It's so hot. Mary Poppins all the way! (Is that how the movie's spelled? I have no idea..)
A few days ago, I was driving downtown with Linda and Ariell and we passed the huge art/music school (I always forget the name) and on the massive screens infront of the building, they're showing students doing work in the school. It was a redlight, so we were all watching and they showed (what looked like) Keith Smith from FC singing. Yes, that disgusting excuse of a human being. I started screaming "ew" and everything else that came to mind, calling him a prick and a bastard and probably many more things I shouldn't have said in front of my mom. Well, Linda looks at me and goes, "whoa, what's your problem? Leave the poor kid alone. What'd he ever do to you?" and Ariel turns to look at me, as well. I was like in complete shock. I wasn't about to go into it again with Ariell sitting right there, but how many times have Linda and I talked about this? Each time I thought she seemed to care a little more than before and would actually remember, but apparently not. You'd think that because of the fact that some of the same things have happened to her when she was my age, it'd actually stick with her.. but I guess not.
It annoys me so badly whenever she forgets major things, but that was like a knife in my heart.
It's times like this I miss Justin. I hate to say that, because I haven't even thought about the kid in forever (except whenever Sami or someone brings him up) but really, at least he listened and cared. The same goes for Jeff. Even though we never ever went out or anything, (and he was such an ass sometimes,) he was there for me. Now I have no one like that anymore. Do you know how bad that sucks? It takes me forever to trust and really get close to people. I knew Justin for like.. ever. And I knew Jeff since freshman year. It'll take forever for me to find even one person to take their places.
How pathetic do I sound?
Wang needs to get some self esteem. Doesn't everyone think he's hot as hell? He doesn't believe me that a lot of girls have (and probably still do) like him, dammit. Haha, he's such a dick though;
but its SLIPPY: "Njbax: do you actually like wang?
Njbax: more than friends that is
but its SLIPPY: i did like 3 times haha
Njjbax: yea..i could tell you do kinda like him"
but its SLIPPY: im depressed that i cant molest you in public anymore because of this. very depressed
Yeenxing: lol damn, 3 times, am i just that damn good
but its SLIPPY: LOL wow i'll never like you again because of that comment lol
Yeenxing: lol oh we'll see
Yeenxing: i just gotta put on a bit of that wang charm and u'll be butter in my arms lol