[Fandom: It's Thursday]

Apr 30, 2009 22:08

It's epsiode 4.20! How appropriate the topic...

Ok, so, as much as there is some chagrin for the next two episodes given that Sam and Dean are fighting, I AM STILL REALLY FUCKING EXCITED, YO! I can't wait to see what Ruby's up to, who's good here, who's bad. It does look kind of bad that Dean would lock Sam up for drinking demon blood then give up his own soul to a higher power. That seems to be the difference. Castiel guy (I've forgotten his name) and Dean both have no control, they serve a master. Though Sam needs the blood, Sam serves only himself and as twisted as that self may become at least he's got free will that way. Anyway, made some running commentary through the episode

-Yeah, it must be angel on angel stuff because Anna knew how to do that spell. Hmmm. THIS IS GIVING HER POINTS IN THE MINUS COLUMN. Though everywhere there's angel on angel stuff there seems to be a lot of wreckage. Last time the cars were all piled up, this time a warehouse was destroyed.

-How does Dean sleep through everything? I know he wasn't on guard but honestly, WHAT'S THE POINT OF A KNIFE IF HE'LL BE DEAD BEFORE HE USES IT?

-prove his faith? Nice, Castiel. Though I'm surprised his wife didn't believe something was up then, given that his hand didn't come out with the skin boiled off.

-And Anna is there for apparently no reason other than to irritate everyone in the car by telling them what they already know and nearly get them killed. Awesome. Though I guess it is curious how she can see that something's up with Sam and Castiel couldn't.

-On the other hand, another incongruity - how is Castiel so easily tracked down by heaven and pulled back up for just thinking about disobedience but Anna's able to hide from God when she's fallen but still running around with a grace? Why hasn't she been called up?

-Dude, that light! IT'S MULDER'S ALIENS!!

-gives up his family, changes his form because he’s chosen, it's just something in his blood. Heard that one before somewhere, but can't quite put a finger on it...

-gotta give Misha mad props here. His acting is top notch, I'm totally believing him as these two different people.

-Also, dude, why do the Winchesters have Ruby's knife? She needed it last year, I assume, to keep all those demons off her tail. What's changed, why is she ok with not having it? Do they think she's delivering them some kind of messiah?

-I thought his wife took that demon stuff way too easily.

-Random, but man that SO sucks that Jensen couldn’t do Star Trek. That movie looks like it's gonna be off the hook, to salute my 90's heritage. Could totally have launched him. If not for Zoe Saldana, I might not go see it in protest.

-Interesting - Ruby’s not so special, any demons blood will do. I wonder what’s holding her, why she didn't come?

-The little girls' eyes went yellow as she transferred Castiel back to Misha. Just a point. Also, when Anna kind of did the same thing, she vaporized the human body and nearly blinded everyone in the area. Is Castiel really that low on the food chain?

- Also, did Dean know that was gonna happen with the little girl? And if so, how? AND ALSO, I love the clear difference here. Castiel gave the guy he's in a choice, he courted him for weeks; here he just jumped into the daughter like he was any demon and then tried to order the guy about (but did fail in that).

-That was so biblical. They wait until the last possible moment when everything is at its worst and everything seems lost and then, 'Oh, hey guys, HERE COMES HEAVEN!' (I am so going to hell for this)

-Serve heaven, not serve man. I THINK I SAID THIS MAYBE ONCE OR TWICE. No one is looking out for earth here. Heaven cares about heaven, hell cares about hell and, hey, we need a battlefield and there's this place in between we could maybe use called earth...

-So, thoughts added to as I went along. As much as Dean shutting up Sam was for his own good, that 'I don't care' was scary. If you have not love, boys, IF YOU HAVE NOT LOVE, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Not sacrifice, nor prophesy, not power, not knowledge, not faith, and not even hope. Say what you will, Sammy did save the little girls' mother. Yeah, I still think this is going to be overturned and Sam's not going to be completely in the wrong and Dean's not going to be nearly as righteous as he seems. Not if he's just going to become heaven's tool and not if Castiel was punished for what I guess must have been an attempt to help him.

So, as usual on SPN, the bad guys suck and the good guys pretty much suck, too. The only hope must lie in what's human and neither good nor bad, simply willful.

..except that would be Ruby. And I'm pretty sure she's not the hero of this tale.

spn, questions and concerns, 4.20

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