Sep 24, 2008 19:01

Alright, so you can get all your Lazarus Rising over here on Youtube. After re-watching the Ruby scenes...I'm actually kind of really, REALLY satisfied and think new girl's performance was actually really good. Here's why

"No, you wouldn't be Sam if you did. But on the bright side, I'll be there with you, that little fallen angel on your shoulder." - Ruby, Sin City

Ok, watching the hotel scene, I really do not think that was Ruby. True, it's odd that Sam would bother ordering pizza when he's just sleeping with a girl he doesn't know, but it is Sam...and maybe he was hungry. It's not even that the girl is so bewildered where it comes to Dean and Bobby, it's that she shrieks when Sam pulls that knife. Now, I know Ruby's a good actress, but I think that the chances of it occurring to her to scream like that when a stupid knife gets pulled given she was in hell for centuries, are pretty tiny. The girl didn't have to scream to be convincing. And the question about their being together lacked any kind of attitude whatsoever, and she seemed genuinely creeped out to find out they were brothers which, again, unnecessary. Plus, the whole Sam forgetting her name thing...I seriously doubt they had a conversation that went like, 'so if your brother comes back from hell and happens to catch us together, my super-sekret name is...'

The only evidence I can see that that was Ruby was this look she tosses Sam right as she's leaving. And there's the fact that Sam's fully clothed when he answers the door. But honestly, as to the later...as much as it would have made the fangirls pee their pants to have a nearly-naked Sam hug Dean, it would have taken away from the sweetness of the moment and also would have just been weird.

So, anyway, I think she possesses the girl sometime in between Sam's hooking up with her in the hotel and when she meets up with him at the diner. Maybe just to see if it'll get a reaction out of him. It would create a nice parallel to the scene between Dean and Castiel and would also show us exactly how much perspective Sam's lost while going down this path. Dean immediately thinks to ask about the guy Castiel's possessing even though he didn't even know him; Sam slept with the girl Ruby's got on (there's no way to talk about demon possession without getting dirty at some point, is there?) and ostensibly was even going to talk to her for a while over pizza and he doesn't even bat an eye. Ruby has always kind of been a barometer for where Sam is on the Evil Scale, and this would be a continuation of that.

And honestly, watching it again, I do have a theory as to why the actress played it like she did. Fear. Ruby's control of Sam always rested on his indecisiveness about wanting to use his powers and his inability to control them; back then, she had knowledge that he really didn't, she was the angel on his shoulder. Now Sam can banish demons pretty much at will and knows exactly what he wants and, hey, Ruby just so happens to be a demon. In fact, another theory as to why she chose hotel girl would be to remind Sam 'look, I can still fuck with you if I want to....sort of.'

Which actually makes me LOVE IT, love the whole set-up and how it was played out, because although the scene begins with Sam paralleling Dean and Ruby paralleling Castiel, it actually ends with Ruby again paralleling Dean like she did all of third season. She's in way over her head with Sam and she knows it (much like Dean is in way over his head with Castiel), which explains the nervousness and the whole '...oh, you're having second thoughts? Well, maybe I should just GET AWAY FROM YOU FOR A WHILE THEN' line. It also explains the brother line. Dean'll be pissed if he discovers what they're doing, yeah, but Sam won't be the one to go down for it or catch the blame; that'll be Ruby because Dean already doesn't like her and always wants to assume the best of Sam. And that 'getting pretty slick there Sam' was actually perfectly played because it's sarcastic, yes, but not quite as sarcastic as it should be, I think because there's genuine worry there. Remember how, much like Dean, Ruby tends to bluff when she's scared? For instance the way she was shrieking threats from a devil's trap?

And it doesn't piss me off that Ruby's scared of Sam now because she's still completely out for herself, as always, and that was what I really loved about her. Instead of being cocky, she's being cautious, but her indifference still underlies that. IT'S JUST SO SLYTHERIN I CAN'T EVEN STAND IT. ♥ ♥

Or, ok, maybe it's not that simple because I think that little tiny shred of human Ruby, the one who was rooting for Sam because he cared and wasn't just another Lilith...may be worried that that's exactly what he's going to become. Either way, though, I still think she's mostly out for Ruby because a new Lilith wouldn't be particularly good for her either.

A+++++ for new girl. I GO ICON HER NAO!

EDIT:...only to realize this is actually like impossible because in every shot the shadows from the blinds cover her face. NOT UNLIKE THE BARS OF (get ready for it) A CAGE, OMG!


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