New Years Resolutions

Jan 02, 2009 16:12

I am posting up a fucking storm, mainly because this break cannot be over fast enough. Seriously. I'm finally caught up on sleep and I'm ready for people to be back in town so fun can be had.

So lets make some New Years Resolutions, shall we?
1) I'm going to write my name in the snow with urine. I don't care if I have to get one of the boys drunk and steal his Attachment, this is happening this year.
2) I'm going to go through lots of cycles where I don't work out, then I do, then I don't, then I do and spend the rest of the year wondering WHY AM I SO FAT OH DEAR GOD I'M A MONSTER while eating Ben and Jerry's (Karamel Sutra) until I have to be hoisted out of the house using the Baltimore Aquarium's Whale Sling.
3) I'm going to learn to hate people just a little more.
4) I'm going to force myself to read a journal article or more a day so I can stop being a useless sack of knowledge-less shit. Knowing myself, I will of course not read articles on my own field (that would be smart) but instead I'm going to immerse myself in a completely random subject and become uselessly well-informed in that.
5) I'm going to set up my committee and get ready for quals.
6) I'm going to become really desperate for a significant other to validate my sense of self-worth and settle on the first homeless person that hits on me.
6b) I'm going to develop a crippling crack addiction so that we have shared interests.
7) I'm going to reveal myself as the cause of autism.
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