My knuckles are white from holding this door shut so tight.

Aug 09, 2007 23:02

This could very well be (and most likely is) PMS, but damn. All this shit tumbling around in my head and I don't know how to straighten it out.

I really just want this to be normal. I never want normal things, but for once I just want it to be fucking simple. I'm tired of hiding and sneaking around and feeling like I'm this big controversy. There is a certain thrill to it but I can already tell it's going to fade quickly and it'll just hurt after awhile.

I'm not exactly helping the situation because I'm terrified of opening up completely, but I want to. I just need a sign. I need to know that he really wants this on some level.

It just feels way too good for it to not mean something. I really hope I'm not mistaken like I have been in the past, because I really have not felt this good about someone in over a year.

I just keep thinking about waking up last Sunday morning and how perfect and wonderful it was. And it wasn't even my birthday.

Fuckin' a, man.
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