I've been up since 7 am securing the house for the Zombie Infestation Preparedness Team seminar and House Arming Party tomorrow night...
there's still much to be done....
and only 24 hrs until the first wave of Applicants, victims and infected start arriving...
My legs feel like cannons... heavy, stiff and hollow.
I need a hot bath.
You can only hope its going to be a good party when your party-prep sounds like this:
ZIPTeam member 1: "I need to find my nun-chucks for the party."
ZIPTeam member 2: "how do you spell nun-chucks?"
ZIPTeam member 1: "n-u-n-c-h...no wait... nuncha, n-u-n-c-h-a... um ah @#$%*!"
ZIPTeam member 2: "I thought you said you were a ninja?"
moments later...
ZIPTeam member 1: "Hey! I'm saving my glow-in-the-dark underwear for tomorrow...just so you know."
ZIPTeam member 2: "um okay!" stifled laughter followed by the sounds of keystrokes, "hehehehe..."
ZIPTeam member 1: "You're not posting are you?"
ZIPTeam member 2: "um...I am now!"
I'm a notorious scavenger, ever watchful for shiny objects....
the Fates left me little choice...
"SCAvenger" starts with my initials.
I'm known to trash collectors, dumpster divers and custodians throughout the southeast...
rivaled only by that heavy-set guy who drives the station wagon (or van) around on curb-side pick-up's eve, digging through your cast-offs...
I swear I've seen him in every state...
that guy's like the fweekin' Santa Claus of trash day!
So, last night
kungfoogirl and I made a supply run to the 24hr zombie generator -Wallyworld- when I spotted a white cuboid tilted by a neighbor's mailbox... scored a much needed piece of art supply furniture... probably belonged to a hairstylist or manicurist... it should hold ALL of my art supplies, which means I can now empty the boxes stacked in my tiny, blue nest, and actually see what I have here...
furthermore, maybe I'll be inspired to use the art supplies?...
I've seriously wanted one of these for years... I rarely obsess over household accouterments, but this is a great find...
As finds go, it may seem dull, and it certainly doesn't top the ODD charts like the baby-grand piano found in Syracuse...or the accordion in Orlando... but it is useful.
and its and Italian design!
I'm done now.
Blue Ranger needs Food Badly.
(I could use a power-up too)