I'll see how crafty I can be with the phone cam. It's real short in the back, and long in the front... kind of like a pixie cut with a rear-end blowout. Know what I mean?
She looks honestly adorable.
Had a strange dream about you last night... we were on a bus. You were laughing, naked and curled up like a cashew in my lap while The Lady tried to nap beside us... and that's all I'm going to say. *blush*
Goodness my gracious! Well, I'm glad dream-us were enjoying ourselves. I feel like I should maybe apologize to The Lady for dream-me's brash & bold behavior! Dream-me is a wiley one.
"naked lap cashewing" is that in the kama sutra?static_eddieJanuary 11 2009, 14:48:42 UTC
Same here! I mean, you're talking to about the guy who'd rather dress in full body armor wrapped in a sleeping bag... but ya know, an invisibility cloa would be nice for summer wear.
hmmm... waiting with baited breath and best behaviour until youor critique.
Also, Aurora is the cutest little muppet.
It's real short in the back, and long in the front... kind of like a pixie cut with a rear-end blowout. Know what I mean?
She looks honestly adorable.
Had a strange dream about you last night... we were on a bus. You were laughing, naked and curled up like a cashew in my lap while The Lady tried to nap beside us... and that's all I'm going to say.
We were all well behaved...
p.s. I am reading about cartoony things and like them and will provide feedbacks soon.
hmmm... waiting with baited breath and best behaviour until youor critique.
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