Corey and the Ducks Originally uploaded by
Kaotik Visions I skipped work yesterday to take care of some personal issues.
During the late afternoon, The Lady and I took a walk down to Piedmont Park. We brought a bag of stale nachos along and sat down to feed the ducks by the lake.
As you can see from this photo, The Lady is a talented photographer and some of the Piedmont Ducks are rather fearless. I was actually able to groom and nuzzle several of the ducks, including this one. As the nachos ran out, a sun burnt, shabby looking man sat down on the dock steps and offered us a beer.
We discussed the ducks with the man and left him to his day. As The Lady and I walked up to Willies for burritos, I mentioned my fear that hungry homeless people could dine on duck if they learned how friendly our fowl were. However, upon passing the man by the dock, we noticed that he had been joined by a homeless lady and together they were feeding the birds bread crumbs. Seems they find it nice too.
Among all the stress we're dealing with, it's a blessing to just sit down with The Lady in the park and feed stale nachos to friendly water fowl. It's an addictive nicety.
As soon as I got home tonight (or at least after I'd finished kvetching about traffic turning my nine mile commute into an hour long drive) I encouraged The Lady to grab three tins of wet cat food -which Bugaboo hates- and walk with me down to the Highlander parking lot. There's a colony of stray cats there that I wanted to help out.
Upon arrival we found that somebody has set up several large plastic storage bins at the edge of the kudzu. Each bin has cat-sized hole cut in its side and contains a large bowl of cat kibble. Our little offerings of single serving wet food we met with casual curiosity and a few takers.
It's nice to know that some human is looking after the strays.
The boring facts of my day:
In prep for a birthday party this weekend I sculpted:
10 Megalodon teeth
10 T-Rex Teeth
10 Spinosaurs Footprints.
Received a compliment from the boss-lady, "Mommy-O," who compared my Megalodon teeth looked to souvenir replicas of the real thing.... so I spent rest of the afternoon daydreaming that I was a museum sculptor, immortalizing fossils (rather redundant really) for museums around the world.
Anyhow, that's my post.... I'm very tired.