Nov 11, 2004 09:07
I never thought I would give into this; never would I go against all blogging morals and get a livejournal. And now I have. But, the reason why I did this? Well you see, livejournal doesn't let you search the member directory unless you're logged in as a member. So I thought I'd sign up for an account just so I can use the username. Well, turns out that LiveJournal really is so shitty that even if you have a free account, they still won't let you search the directory. That's right, you can have an account and username, you can BE IN the member directory, but you still can't search it. Yessir, that's just how crappy this site is. What makes me even more sad is that the customization is so limited, and even with the small number of things you can do with it, people don't bother to figure it out and make their journals look unique. So not only is LJ inconvenient for their own users, but just as inconvenient for people without accounts. If you post anonymously on someone's LJ, before your comment goes through you have to wait for the security screen to load, and then type in this letter/number combination that's hard to make out, before your comment will be sent through. So I already didn't like that. And so far it's only looking worse....haha.
A plus? They have pretty good mood icons. Diaryland of course doesn't have those, although there are ways to insall them if you know what you're doing(or possibly get a paid account). As most of you probably don't know, there's a journal site called Deadjournal, which is basically a replica of LJ. Except it's community is mainly comprised of whiny depressed pubescent teens who are self-proclaimed goths or punks. I used that site for around two years, it was the first one I ever had, actually. I think I still might have an account there, but I've printed all my entries off long since, because eventually they'll delete it off of the server since I never update it. But anyway...I never really like a lot of their mood icons much. They were mostly some of the same ones LJ has, but there are some better ones here. Of course it is nice to even have a comments thing too, since Diaryland doesn't provide that for unpaid users. Kinda irks me, but you can still set up a tagboard and people use that enough to keep me somewhat satisfied.
So eh anyway. I don't know what I'll do with this now. I'm throwing this crap entry up so that I can mess around aimlessly with a color template, since nothing really shows up until you have at least one entry in. I guess it's about time I got a username at the least, so I don't have to update anonymously on all the journals of these fools using LJ.