(no subject)

Jan 09, 2013 14:51

been sick for the past 3-4 days. to make sure it wasn't a case of the flu (or rather, to make sure i can get the antibiotics needed if it was the flu) i went to the doctor yesterday. i'm thinking it's not the flu since i didn't get a call back on my throat culture, so that's good. means i just have a cold and that i need to rest, drink fluids, don't drink booze, etc.

what sucks, though, is that i need to cut on my salt 'cause my blood pressure is high.

fucking shit - i wish it was something else. i could cut out meat, sugar, fat, dairy, carbs, caffeine, alcohol, maybe even gluten for some time - possibly forever if at gunpoint (forever). but salt? you can at least go to restaurants that cater to gluten-free, vegan or booze-free dining (see halal restaurants). sodium is inescapable. ever hear of a low-sodium chinese restaurant? low-sodium indian? low-sodium jewish deli? you haven't because they don't exist, and that's because suicide and "death from natural causes" culls the population that would demand such things.

whatever. rather than fight it, i'm gonna try to work around it as best as i can and for as long as i can. this means being that guy at the restaurant the one who spends five full extra minute detailing this change and that change in his order. that meal you wanted to get with me? yeah, we might have to cancel that - let's go bowling or light things on fire instead. or maybe i'll just hang out at home and work on the vegetable garden.

come to think of it, this thing might be great - i could use as many reasons as i can get to justify my being antisocial.
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