you just turned your back on the crowd

Oct 03, 2007 20:16

Not many people write in here anymore.. including myself. It might just be a part of getting older, of having less time, or of people simply abandoning livejournal for other mediums, I suppose, maybe some combination of all of those. All I know is I feel compelled to write in this instant, so I'll go with it. (maybe because I'm scheduled to take the GRE on Monday and this seems like a fresher alternative to studying high school algebra?? Haha ha.)

This song is so sad, but so good.

I just started a term with Americorps here in Austin, with a program called Keep Austin Housed. So far it's infinitely more interesting than the soul-sucking temp work I was filling my days with only a month prior to this. Thank god. There is life outside a cubicle after all. (duh)

So, more specifically, I didn't get the exact position I wanted, but I'm instead working with an organization called Caritas, at an apartment complex where they have twenty rooms as part of a permanent supportive housing program. All twenty of those people were chronically homeless for years and have usually at least 1 or 2 disabilities whether they be emotional, physical, mental, or substance abuse. I'll be doing case management--something I'm completely new to, and I've been pretty much just thrown into it, but it's an adventure and I'll be learning new things all year, I'm sure, and making many mistakes along the way.

Everyone is really nice so far, as are all my fellow americorps people working in other organizations that help the homeless here in Austin, so I'm finally meeting some people here at least.

I feel like my mind is more clear than it was this time last year, and that's nice. I have a better idea of what I want anyhow..still not completely clear, but so much more. I think it was a combination of living in poverty-stricken, devastated New Orleans AND Guatemala in the same year, the perfect formula to make me turn to social work.

There's not much going on. I miss a lot of people. It's so sad when I think about how scattered a lot of my friends are now, but also great to hear how they're doing in their own section of the world. I wish I could visit everyone.

I think Austin is starting to feel more like a home, except that it's friggin' October and still hits 90 degrees in the afternoon. Damn you Texas. I miss my seasonal leave color changes. At least there are still some pumpkin-flavored foods, but it's just not the same. I miss Indiana more this year than I did last. I don't know why. Also here I am constantly aware of what state I'm in. There's far too much pride in Texas. I kind of miss that humble midwest attitude. Plus the Cubs are in the playoffs and no one seems to care here! ugh!

(---Umm I think some of the stray cats outside are fighting. I hear loud angry cat noises.)

Oh, also, I'm eligible for food stamps, apparently. rock and roll! No shame there! Be so jealous.
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