Jan 06, 2011 01:27
Whenever I reply to one of AE's posts or comments I always look carefully at what I'm saying and try to see if there's a pun or play on words I could make, and I'm always rather disappointed in myself when I can't come up with anything good.
i will do science to it,
the more you know,
today the internet,
she blinded me with library science,
dirty little secrets,
nobody cares about taylor hanson,
take this job and shove it,
i love it when a plan comes together,
you just need to drink more,
as you wish,
whine whine more tags whine,
cry moar,
hey look at me,
shut up,
that's what she said,
look at me i'm white and nerdy,
the internet--it's not just for stalkers,
statebot must state,
happiness is,
and knowing is half the battle,
we don't need no education,
word of the day,
i did it for the lulz,
i hate technology,
stop -- grammar time!,
oh sweet mystery of life,
shun the nonbeliever,
reasons why i hate sacramento!,
this is why we can't have nice things,
no your stupid