Title: Clean
tigertrappedCharacters: George Blake, Nicholas Brocklehurst
Challenge: 1D
Rating: PG
Notes: Spoilers for finale
The sound of the shower beats in the next room, water pulsing, Nicholas Brocklehurst washing away his blood, and MacIntyre's, and Styles'.
George takes another sip at her drink, warming the glass in her palm. A quick scrub at the sink rid her of the night's work. Brocklehurst looked with such longing in the direction of the shower, she had to nod: 'Go ahead. Get clean.'
She'd tidied up the rest of his mess. Dug his bullet from the wall and dropped it into his palm. Watched him close his fist about it, his face wide open for a moment, watching her and wondering.
'Thank you, George.'