(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 12:56

i drove today for the first time in over/about six months :-D
i got my real time post 21 imabigkidnow license yesterday

tomorrow chris and i are going to OC to see his mom and brother and guy moms dating
5 day break from work is relaxing and stressful... i know we'll be spending money there and not making it back.
we'll be broke.
what a surprise

but i did set up my bank account to automatically send 50 from my checking to my savings each week.  so i'll be perpetually broke, but always saving. hows that? not bad.

chris started at eddies this week. its oinly part time tho which is no bueno.  i had to be prepared to lay down some extra cash this month too.  i'm really really trying to not be resentful but it's getting hard.  i've put out a lot of dough since he QUIT his job and thats money that could have been saved. ... once he has his jobs all settled he's going to be paying a higher portion of the rent each month to pay it off.  ... i hope. it's what we've agreed on, lets see how much he actually rakes in...

we have a new kitten tho! all black .  BATMAN aka the Dark Knight aka Fuzz Butt aka little one aka jerk. 
he's tormenting chris's cat betty who is only a little over a year old, but definitely not a kitten anymore. and he never wants to sleep when he should, or be calm when we need to not be clawed at.  hoping he calms down a bit....
owen has two kittens now that we took care of for the week before xmas.  they are blondeish and were from the same litter as batman.   one is long hair male dubbed Kung Pao.  and the other is short hair girl named Mu Shu.  :P adorable.  they seem to be doing okay, if only because they have perpetual playmates. 
when they were living with us batman was much calmer. the little girl was definitely the biggest trouble maker is the long hair boy was a big slow puffball.  batman was kind of in the middle of them.  but without them he's a hellion.  he cried for 3 days for them and then showed his true colors as the rascal he really is.

o well. i love him and now i have my very own kitten :):):) 
if i can love a little ball of fur as much as i love my little one i have only happy thoughts of one day loving a baby.  .... a long long time from now.... unless the world ends in 2012 like the history channel is trying to convince us of.
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