Day One Zero

Oct 23, 2003 21:09

Current Milage : 0

Well, the trip is off to a faboulous start.

I woke up to 3 inches of snow on my car. I got out of work at 6:15 ish and found myself unable to get my cell phone and laptop to play nice together. So I dutifully call customer support and get bounced from one department to another. Until... I get disconnected because it's now 5 pm on the west coast and they are closed.

The fuckers.

Since one of the main purposes for this trip is the enjoyment I'll get from Posting to my LJ from across the country, I'm holding off on leaving for tomorrow. It doesn't screw up my intinerary too much, It just means no Seacoast NH for me tonight. But tomorrow, it's Boston or Bust.

Updated Itenerary

Friday, October 24 Boston, MA

Saturday, October 25 Fairfield, CT

Sunday, October 26 Wilkes-Barre, PA

Monday, October 27 ?????

Tuesday, October 28 Harrisonburg, VA

Wednesday, October 29 Pembroke, NC

Thursday, October 30 Durham, NC - Durham, NH

My biggest concern is sunday and monday. The friend I was supposed to be meeting on sunday has gone MIA and I still have no solid plans for monday. ::shrug:: I'll figure something out, I'm sure. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
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