
Mar 25, 2007 22:48

i had an awesome weekend, and i needed it bad, lemme tell ya. i was pretty bummed out for almost the entire im officially over it

friday night began at the usual spot...rocking out to some beats with friends at the icehouse, sipping away the bullshit of the previous 5 working days. i got a call from a friend from SLC, who was out in vegas with a party of eight, and wanted some cool shit to do. i made a few calls, and managed to get them the hookup for B/T service at empire ballroom - thanks mark and jeff. since empire is usually dead til around 2am i told them to come down to the icehouse and chill for a bit. i had no intention of being out late, but i got into bullshitting with everybody and eventually they twisted my arm. it was a slow night at the ballroom, which actually worked out well in our favor...the service was top notch, skyy and mixers on ice laid out at the booths, etc etc. it ended up being a good time...a lot of the people there worked for production companies / promotion crews in other cities, so we had some common ground. mark is a gangster on the decks, getting me to dance is no easy task. im not sure what time we ended up leaving, but we decided we needed chicken fingers...word to the bally's coffee shop. with the exception of us everybody there was shitfaced - instant dinner and a show. afterwards i headed home to rest for a bit before the roadtrip...

saturday started off great - i slept thru my alarm (shocker) and we ended up leaving for LA like two hours later than we wanted to. oops. luckily we made pretty amazing time..mapquest came through with some badass directions and we were on melrose just a little over 3 hours after we took off. melrose is always fuckin amazing...i hadnt been down there in so long id all but forgotten. we saw so much amazing / bizarre / interesting shit words cant do it justice (maybe ill upload the pics). we mustve gone to more than 100 stores, and by the time everything closed we had armloads of swag and our feet were on fire. any and all chance of doing much of anything went to shit...we had a huge dinner and checked into some hotel just outside hollywood. sometimes its great to just do nothing - im not sure if anybody else can relate, but when youre schedules conflict as badly as ours do, just being together and not having anywhere to be for a good 24 hours guarantees a kickass time. totaally sugarcoated way of saying we like to fuck. and late checkout is the only way to fly. we couldnt think of much to do on sunday, going back to LA sounded like work, so we just wandered around the fashion outlet for a couple hours on the way back to vegas. we also watched borat and it came nowhere near close to living up to the hype...i found the whole thing more sad than funny. from the crazy jesus freaks and racist frat boys and anti-gay rodeo clowns....kazakhstan looks almost favorable after such a raw look at americana. the bear in the ice cream truck rocked though.

just got home, and im passing out as i write this. i dont have much planned for the week, work, more work, and spinning at icehouse on friday. if youre reading this you should definitely be there.  more to come later...

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