
May 22, 2011 10:17

I discover something new about her everyday.

She enjoys baths and having her diaper changed. She doesn't mind if the wipes are cold.
She wakes up smiling.
She loves being sung to. (Especially "All Around the Mulberry Bush" & "The Mahna Mahna Song" [from The Muppet Show]).
She likes made up stories.
She has discovered her voice and talks, makes noises, and "yells" and giggles at the sound.
She can hold her own bottle and "helps" me feed herself.
She wants to sit up so badly and will strain in the Boppy or the car seat and then squawk when she can't. But sitting in the Bumbo makes her tired because she isn't used to it yet.
She practices kicking and "swam" while we had her in the big tub. She loves being in the water. I can't wait to be able to take her to the beach. Her legs are so strong.
She has the deepest, clearest blue eyes. I hope that they stay this way.
She fights sleep in her car seat, but always falls asleep as soon as we start driving.
She loves her ribbon blanket and can hold the ribbons. She falls asleep with the Minky side rubbing on her face.
She doesn't mind Tummy Time. She is almost ready to roll over. She kicks her legs and can sort of scoot across the mat. If she's on her back on the play mat, she can kick her legs so she goes around in a circle.
She likes when I rub her nose. It relaxes her and helps her fall asleep.
She has discovered how to pull her binky out of her mouth. She has almost figured out how to put it back in. Sometimes she just spits it out and it goes flying across the room.
She's serious about her milk. She will pretty much only cry if a) You don't feed her fast enough. b) You take the bottle out of her mouth for some reason (like to burp her). c) She's done nursing and wants a bottle. or d) She doesn't get enough milk. She wants the milks and she wants it now!!!

When we are sitting together, she curls her hands around my fingers.
When we are playing on the floor mat, she will look to me as to say, "Look what I can do." She figured out how to make her play mat make noise. She concentrates on her hands and wills them to move the objects. It's like the Baby Force.
When she is sitting in my arms, sometimes she will lay her head back on my shoulder and let out a big content sigh.
When she is rocking in her swing, she falls asleep quickly.

It's magical being able to see her thinking and learning and growing up.

She falls asleep in Corey's arms, but not mine.
Sometimes she just looks up at me and smiles. It is the most amazing feeling in the world.
Sometimes when I'm nursing her, she pulls off and looks up at me, smiling, like she's saying, "Thank you Mommy. Thank you for this delicious milk." And it makes all of those months of frustration worth it.

She is getting bigger and growing everyday.
She fits a size 2 diaper! I was so sad to admit that. I didn't want to put away the size 1 diapers. She is wearing mostly 3-6 months clothes (but still fits some of the 0-3 months ones). It was sad (for me) to pack up her little newborn onsies and outfits. I can't believe that she used to be that small. I might be guilty of trying to put the too small clothes on her in my denial.

I'm so glad it's almost summer and I can stay home with her again and play with her and enjoy her.
It's so awesome being her Mommy.
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