Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 15, 2010 09:06

Hello! I'm so happy to meet you. Please, come in. I'm sorry this isn't better decorated - I'm a bit chaotic and cluttered and, well, I'm distracted by making holiday gifts and trying to write NaNo and also, of course, by YULETIDE!!

This is my first year participating in this fest, so I'm a bit nervous.

Anyway! We share (at least) one lovely small fandom! I can't wait to find out which one - I get a lovely story and maybe a new friend.

I'll be pretty muchly blanket friending people for the next few weeks. I can't make my journal public, but I do want you to know more about me, as it's much easier to write for someone you know, isn't it?

Um, I should probably mention any squicks or, kinks, right? I'm mainly squicked by unnecessary cruelty (infidelity falls into this), chan, and humiliation. I'm not unwilling to read quite sexy things, as I participate in one of the big, oversexed fandoms, so if you want to get pretty hard core, you can. With the exception of chan - I'm NOT AT ALL interested in that, so if you want to write anything with the kids being sexual, please age them up! Thanks!

Other than that, I'm just amazed that there are other fans of my favorite stories.

On to the specifics.

Castle Waiting

I love LOVE everyone in Castle Waiting. I'd really like to know more about Iron Henry - I think he's got lots of interesting hidden history. Chess seems to know more about him than he's said, and I adore Chess (who couldn't? He's big, strong, manly and, well, cute.), so if you wanted to show more of him as well, I'd swoon.

Really, though, I want to see more of everyone in the story! What happened to Dinah's husband and Simon's father? What about the three handmaidens - how did they survive from when Mellora left until the Castle was set up as it is now? Who IS Pindar's father, and, well, what happened to the original Pindar, Jain's father? It can't be that she married the nice boy her father was setting her up with originally; he started out annoying but seemed so much nicer later...

I love the universe and would be so amazed and pleased to know more about it, so really, anything you want to write is fantastic.


District 9

Here, again, I really want more story. I would enjoy knowing what you think happens in the future - if Christopher comes back (or just his son? Or what? *is on tenterhooks*), but one thing I'd really like to see is a moment not shown in canon between Wikus and Christopher, some moment that shows they getting to know each other and, we hope, trust each other.

I know it's a tricky thing to write, moments out of canon, but, well, they trust each other an awful lot, there at the end, and I'd love to see how they get there. Also, in this case, I'm willing to ignore any worries about infidelity. I know Wikus is married, but, well, he's under an awful lot of stress and I'm not bothered by it in this case.

Again, though - anything you want to write in this fandom I'm interested in reading. I'm fascinated by the different possibilities I see here and I can't wait to see the ones you see.


This Time of Darkness

Oh my. I read this book when I was a young teenager, promptly forgot the title and the author, then spent years and years (and omgyears) looking for it. Someone found it for me (along with ORVIS, another of HM Hoover's - have you read that one? OMG, you should, if you haven't!) a few years ago and I fell back in love with the story.

In this case, I want to know what happened next. How do the kids grow up? Do the adults out there where Axel is from, do they try to change the Cities? Do they care enough? Does James keep his teddy bear?

If you'd rather write about what happens Underground, or in one of the Cities, or how the Cities got like this (or why they're unfinished), I'd love to read about that as well. I really just am amazed that anyone else knows about this book and I'm delighted at the chance to maybe read more set in this universe.


The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N

... Oh, this is the sound of my youth, the happy times I spent at my uncle's apartment in NYC, reading this (and there are sequels, did you know?) over and over again. I still crack myself up thinking about Hyman's oncle's gless eye, and the crayons. Oh, the crayons.

*happy sigh*

The thing is, I'm sure that Mr Parkhill did have a crush on the nice teacher next door - so I'd love it if you could convince Hyman Kaplan to get the other students in his class organized enough to try to set up Mr Parkhill with his crush.

Um. Hijinx to follow, one expects. Nothing ever quite goes right for poor Mr Parkhill, but Hyman Kaplan is, at least, well intentioned.

You can, of course, write whatever you want. I'm shivering with joy that someone else loves these stories as much as I do. I ... sort of thought I was the only one left alive who even knew who Hyman Kaplan IS!

Anyway, I can't wait to meet you!!




fandom, writing, yuletide

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