cup in stash

Win a Custom Userhead or 199 LJ Tokens!

Sep 19, 2010 02:49

Closed: Congratulations to lelymarques who was randomly selected, yay!

I recently made a discovery about something cool, that you can change the userhead for your account (aka this thing: ) and make it funky with the collection available here for a whole year. It costs $1.99 or 199 LJ tokens. (If you can not see the page to the custom userheads, you will need to go into your display settings and make sure Opt me into services originally developed for the Cyrillic users is checked, then save.)

I would like to give a member of this community the change to have a fancy custom userhead. All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know you are a member and a random winner will be selected. The LJ tokens will be sent to the winner, and if you decide just to keep the tokens that would be fine, whatever you like. *hugs*

Good luck to everyone that enters. <3

! competitions

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