homeland security

Sep 07, 2014 11:54

The United States expressed concern on Thursday that Syria’s government might be harboring undeclared chemical weapons, hidden from the internationally led operation to purge them over the past year, and that Islamist militant extremists now ensconced in that country could possibly seize control of them.

Офигенно сработали умные дипломаты, ящетаю. Особенно учитывая наличие террористов с американскими паспортами. Но ладно, они-то далеко, там в Сирии?

Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices (VBIED).

Но граница-то на замке? Уж оттуда-то в Америку они никак не проберутся?

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas video reminds viewers of recent statements by the president and Obama administration officials that the southern border is secure. O’Keefe then proceeds to Hudspeth County, Texas, to easily cross back and forth cross the Rio Grande wearing the costume of modern history’s most recognizable terrorist.

An “ISIS jihadi” crossed the Mexican Border into Texas with a severed head. The event was not a real terrorism attack but a stunt designed to illustrate just how easy it is for a member of the Islamic State to waltz into America.

Ну ладно, может, один-два и пролезут, но уж после этого-то их всех выследят и выловят? Уж на своей-то территории, со всей мощью NSA, DHS, FBI, CIA, DEA, DOE, FDA, EPA и прочих агентств, каждого со своими отдельными вооружёнными силами, им не скрыться?

ICE has consistently had trouble keep tracking of the growing number of foreign nationals who come to the U.S. to study under the auspices of a student visa. Of the more than 1 million people who visit the U.S. on such visas each year, about 58,000 of them overstay their welcome, the ABC News investigation found. And of those who overstay, about 6,000 are subjected to additional investigation by immigration officials because there is "heightened concern" of their intentions, ABC found.

Это, замечу, проблемы с теми, кто вьехал по закону, с горой документов и обязанностью отмечаться и предьявлять, со всей бюрократией и документацией, и про кого уже известно, что они подозрительные. Что же до тех, про кого неизвестно ровно ничего?

Ну ничего, есть последняя преграда для них. Уж TSA-то, которая нежно держит всех пассажиров за яйца или соответствующие части анатомии - уж они-то не пропустят?

The next time you have to take off your belt and shoes to gain access to the airplane you want to board, give a thought to Abdirahmaan Muhumed, the ISIS jihadi killed in Iraq. Because before he left Minnesota to fight for Allah, he worked as an airplane cleaner at Minneapolis St. Paukl International Airport, where he had “unfettered access” to airliners, the ramp area, and other supposedly secure areas.

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/952762.html.

политика, окружающая среда, hopenchange, security theater

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