линки недели - 95

Oct 22, 2016 19:38

Для нашего же блага

1. CTU wins a cap on charter schools - and students will suffer.
NAACP just voted against charter schools - after donation form teacher unions.

2. The IRS Spent $12 Million For Microsoft Cloud-Based Email Archive That Was Incompatible With Its On-Premises Email System And Never Used
С одной стороны, конечно, денег жалко, но с другой стороны, учитывая, что это микрософт - может, оно и к лучшему.

3. In North Carolina, ACA insurer defections leave little choice for many consumers
Итак, уже WaPo и NYT заметили, что Обамакеру нехорошо. Очевидно, скоро Хиллари выкатит план по замене нехороших частников на отличную государственную страховку.

4. Covered California, the state’s Obamacare health exchange, has started mailing notices to 1.3 million subscribers, announcing rate hikes of up to 57 percent for next year.

5. Porn sites strike over California proposition

6. Eager to increase the number of black and Latino teachers, the U.S. Education Department wants teacher education programs to keep entry standards low, writes Jackie Mader for the Hechinger Report.
Умные нам не надобны, надобны расово правильные.

7. Колорадо продолжает построение социализма - теперь на очереди национализированная система оплаты медицины, что потребует удвоения бюджета штата.

8. So here’s a graph. According to this US government already spends more money per capita than almost any other country, except Norway. Something is seriously wrong there.

9. Кампейн Клинтон обсуждает, как бы вбросить хоплофобскую пропаганду в виде поста в блоге якобы от чьего-то имени.

Нас бережёт

10. US Navy gets PC makeover - while its ships fall apart.
Руководство флота занимается важными делами - убирает слово “man” из названий должностей и пытается перевести флот на биотопливо. На менее важные дела уже не остаётся времени.

11. Patrick Kennedy, a top U.S. State Department official, approached the FBI with a "quid pro quo" deal to downgrade the classification on a Hillary Clinton email that was under investigation, according to documents released Monday.

12. I Won $104 Million for Blowing the Whistle on My Company-But Somehow I Was the Only One Who Went to Jail
Остальные, надо думать, занесли в нужную foundation.

13. The Obama administration Justice Department has investigated three senior officials for mishandling classified information over the past two years but only one faces a felony conviction, possible jail time and a humiliation that will ruin his career: former Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman General James E. Cartwright.
His mistake: doing it when not being Clinton.

14. Student Mistaken For Creepy Clown Says Police Could Have Killed Him
Police rushing with guns drawn because somebody wore blue suit and a mask are the real scary killer clowns here.

15. Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war
Everybody involved in this disgrace should be fired immediately.

16. NC judge convicted of trying to bribe federal agent with two cases of Bud Light.
За подкуп таким говняным пивом я бы специально набавлял наказание.

Лучшие люди города

17. Podesta on San Bernadino shooting:
"Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter."

18. Hillary Clinton: "We discovered Japan".

19. DNC bus dumps raw sewage in Gwinnett County, calls it 'honest mistake'
Теперь можно сказать, что они срали на своих избирателей не только в переносном, но и в прямом смысле.

20. HRC kept 55K emails from Congress.
As if anybody doubts it anymore.

21. Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department

Партия интеллекта и культуры дебатов

22. Justice Sonia Sotomayor says she thought about hitting Antonin Scalia with baseball bat
Партия интеллектуалов, ептыть.

23. Biden: I wish I were in high school so I could take him behind the gym, that's what I wish.

24. An Amherst woman is expected to be charged with disorderly conduct after she smeared peanut butter on 30 vehicles she believed were parked outside a Trump gathering.
Досталось на этот раз консервационистам - видимо, интеллектуалка перепутала их с консерваторами.

25. Spray painted on the side of the OCGOP when it was fire bombed "Nazi Republicans leave town or else”.

Навстречу выборам

26. Axelrod: Maybe Clinton should reconsider final debate
Maybe we shouldn’t even have elections… I mean who wants those basket of deplorables voting anyway? We should just coronate Clinton and save the money.

27. Что есть в Викиликовских мейлах.

28. Undercover Footage Shows Clinton Operatives Admit To Inciting "Anarchy" At Trump Rallies
Not surprised.

29. Top 10 Things We Learned From Hillary Clinton Campaign's Emails

30. Reddit: I have been looking into the San Fransisco address listed in the Wikileaks Final Report and found something possibly big, who may be behind the Assange Pedophile attacks a corporation called Premise Data Corporation.

31. Кампейн Клинтон: " We shouldn't have Israel at public events. Especially dem (Democratic) activists.
Знают, с кем дело имеют.

32. We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fucking assholes for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way to do it.
Кстати к вопросу о том, зачем нужно постоянно орать о voter suppression. Затем, что это делает их собственное мошенничество вроде как простительным - мы не мошенничаем, а просто возвращаем голоса, подавленные проклятыми республиканцами!

33. Two Old Dominion University political science professors analyzed data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study and determined that 14 percent of non-citizens in 2008 and 2010 admitted that they were registered to vote.
Это только те, что сами признались. В уголовном преступлении. Так что реальный процент повыше будет.

Мудрая дипломатия

34. We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along - US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis.
Правительство, конечно, нам об этом сообщать не собиралось.

35. The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.
A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.

36. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced his “separation” from the United States on Thursday, declaring that it had “lost” and he had realigned with China as the two agreed to resolve their South China Sea dispute through talks.

Беспристрастная пресса

37. MSNBC: Saying 'golf' and 'Chicago' is racist.
Was in 2012, still is.

38. Americans are losing faith in democracy - and in each other.

39. CNN falsely states that it unlawful for the public--but not for CNN--to search WikiLeaks.
Когда они просрали свою основную задачу, остаётся надеяться на мелкое жульничество.

40. In an April 30, 2015 email, released Monday by WikiLeaks, Politico’s chief political correspondent Glenn Thrush asked John Podesta to approve his writing pre-publication. Thrush begged Podesta not to tell anyone he had shared the copy and referred to himself as “a hack” in the email exchange.
Приятно видеть трезвую самооценку.

41. CNN host thinks Congress already has term limits.

42. Фактчек: Клинтон сказала, что все 17 агенств по безопасности заключили, что Россия стоит за атаками на DNC. На самом деле эти агентства ничего не заключали, такое заявление сделал только Джеймс Клаппер, директор разведки, и кто из этих агентств и насколько расследовал это дело на самом деле, мы не знаем, поэтому вердикт будет… конечно же, это чистая правда!

43. Gary Johnson's Not Happy That Hillary Clinton's Geography Gaffe Didn't Get the 'Aleppo Moment' Treatment
Ну да, вот такая у нас пресса.

Международная панорама

44. Julian Assange: Costs of policing Wikileaks founder reach £10m
Неплохо бабла потратили, да?

45. South Korea passed the Shutdown law (also called the Cinderella law; formally the Youth Protection Revision bill) on May 19, 2011. It went into effect on November 20, 2011. The Shutdown Law forbids children under the age of 16 in South Korea to play online video games from 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M.

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

46. 'Even babies can be racist': Elite New York school tells white children they should be ashamed of their privilege and segregates pupils by race

47. Becoming disabled by choice, not chance: ‘Transabled’ people feel like impostors in their fully working bodies
Это известная болезнь, очень тяжёлая и неприятная, но SJW несомненно решат сделать из неё фетиш.

48. Teacher: “to be white is to be racist, period.”
Я думаю, следующее поколение после этого должно иммунизироваться к этому говну, примерно как в позднем совке никого уже не волновало строительство коммунизма. Но до этого ещё дожить надо.

49. No room for Justice Thomas at African-American history museum
Известное дело - настоящий афроамериканец не может не быть демократом, значит - Томас не настоящий.


50. Напомним: Ромни называли расистом за то, что он употребил термин “Obamacare”.
Теперь есть сайт: http://obamacare.com/ - наверное, расисты построили?

51. “Feminism sort of died in that period,” New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd told Yahoo recently. “Because the feminists had to come along with Bill Clinton’s retrogressive behavior with women in order to protect the progressive policies for women that Bill Clinton had as president.”
So, if feminism died then, it means it’s a zombie now?

52. Did people think the Earth was flat?
TLDR: No, for any sane definition of “people” and “think”, at least since 300 BC.

Россия - щедрая душа

53. В Воркуте сожгли 53 изданные при поддержке фонда Сороса книги
Холодно там.

54. Женская сборная России сыграла в хиджабах
Пора уже привыкать, да.

55. Самая богатая республика России строит самый высокий дом Европы.
Ситуация б-м понятная - выиграли войну, взяли с побеждённых контрибуцию и вот, на неё гуляют.


56. Из чего сделаны люди?

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1041707.html.

libertarian, экономика, bear arms, ученье - свет, honest reporting, за здравие, what difference, 2016, mass media, линки недели, совок 2.0, weekly, окружающая среда, история, политика, лучшие люди города, pc, мудрая дипломатия

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