линки недели - 92

Sep 24, 2016 23:38

Для нашего же блага

1. After Texas high school builds $60-million stadium, rival district plans one for nearly $70 million
Это, заметим, школа! Откуда у них столько бабла, интересно?

2. Department of Justice: If Disabled People Can't Use Berkeley's Free Online Courses, No One Can
Логично, чтобы не было богатых. Дополнительная ирония, что это произошло именно в Беркли.

3. German Politician Calls to End Gun Control: ‘Citizens need to defend themselves…’
Неужто в Европе просыпаются?

4. Midnight Regulation: Ideas so good you have to hide them until the very last minute and then drop into the lap of the next president.

5. Nashville Councilwoman: Deciding Who Sleeps in Your Home is a Privilege Bestowed by Government, Not a Right
You notice how nearly everything you do is a “privilege” bestowed by the government?

6. South Koreans Are Stuck With Internet Explorer Thanks To An Outdated Security Law
Что получается, когда государство спешит на помощь.

7. As a result of the exacting new regulations placed on tiny homes, Seattle lost an estimated 800 units of low-cost housing per year.

8. Коскинен, пойманный на вранье Конгрессу, говорит, что его не надо увольнять, потому что если заставить чиновников отвечать за свои действия, то никто на такую работу не пойдёт!
Я думаю, надо всё-таки попробовать. А вдруг да и пойдёт?

9. Taxing Human Waste Won't Get Chicago's Pension Fund Out of Deep Doo-Doo. Residents of the city will pay $57 annually as part of a rescue plan that hinges on several questionable assumptions.
Я думаю, $57 их не спасёт, там другого порядка суммы нужны. Но в целом, я считают, так им и надо.

10. ECB Embarrassment: €18 In QE Generated Just €1 In GDP Growth
Чё-то у них там мультипликатор заржавел.

11. Senate Republicans caved on everything in the budget.
As usual.

12. In 3D-Printed Gun Case, Federal Court Permits Speech Censorship in the Name of Alleged National Security.
Extremely bad and stupid decision. Appeal next?

13. "Since 2011, the federal government has spent almost $500 million to improve food store access in neighborhoods lacking large, well-stocked grocery stores. States and local governments have also launched programs to attract supermarkets or improve existing stores in underserved areas." Has that made people healthier though? It doesn't appear so.

14. “Emergency regulations” adopted in 1985 by the District of Columbia sharply restrict where fast-food restaurants may operate
Объясните мне, каким образом регуляция фастфуда оказалось emergency, да ещё такой, что продолжается 30 лет?

Нас бережёт

15. Wanted New York and New Jersey bomb suspect sued his local police claiming they persecuted him for being a Muslim.
Now they have stronger reasons to persecute him.

16. The U.S. government has mistakenly granted citizenship to at least 858 immigrants from countries of concern to national security or with high rates of immigration fraud who had pending deportation orders, according to an internal Homeland Security audit released Monday.
Lolwut?! Dafuq?!

17. In two separate cases, thieves snatching bags from city streets and train stations inadvertently helped law enforcement get the upper hand in an ongoing bomb spree that's hurt dozens of people and spans both sides of the Hudson River, sources said.
So bombing fails in New York, because thieves steal the bomb before it explodes. A novel concept of homeland security we’ve got in New York.

18. 12-Year-Old Suspended for a Year After Turning in Knife He Found-It Wasn't Even His
Idiots at work. Too bad for the kid to have bad luck to have idiots as educators.

19. Auburn University has issued a public-safety bulletin about the clown threat.
And by “clown threat” they don’t mean “Bias Prevention Office”.

20. Five Clinton staffers have immunity now.
Обычно, это делается так - прокуратура обещает кому-то неприкосновенность в обмен на показания, обеспечивающие посадку кого-то более важного. Здесь, похоже, раздают неприкосновенность для того, чтобы убедиться, что вообще никто не будет наказан.

Лучшие люди города

21. Vekselberg's Renova Group has donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, donor records show. Another firm associated with Vekselberg, OC Oerlikon, donated $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for that speech, according to his wife's financial disclosures from 2010. The State Department had given its approval for the trip just two days after Bill Clinton's office filed its request.

22. The Daily Mail reports that Weiner carried on a months-long virtual relationship with a 15-year-old high school girl.
Неугомонный какой.

23. Anti-Wall St. crusader Hillary Clinton explains accepting $675k from Goldman Sachs: ‘That’s what they offered’
Почему вы грабите банки? - Потому что там лежат деньги!
Почему вы берёте взятки? - Дают же!

24. Вот и нашёлся непосредственный исполнитель удаления мейлов Клинтон. Он спрашивал совета на реддите, как это сделать.

25. Events timeline.

26. The Secret Tool the FDA Uses to Control News Reports About Its Decisions. The agency relies on “close-hold embargoes” to restrict reporters from contacting outside sources about FDA stories.
Если им приходится это скрывать - можно быть уверенным, что ничего хорошего не происходит.

27. Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal
Hope it wasn’t something like “Carlos Danger”.

28. Clinton deleted nearly 1,000 emails with Petraeus
They discussed yoga routines. Petraeus is a famous yoga trainer.
Also a lot of other stuff in that article.

Навстречу выборам

29. Debate Rules Being Set by Hillary Donors
Of course.

30. Hot new Democratic talking point: Trump is a fatty.
Они Правильные Люди, им можно.

31. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine have written a deplorable campaign book.
Somebody made the sacrifice and actually read that crap so you won’t have to (not that you had to anyway).

32. If Hillary wins, Israel is screwed.

33. British Man Who Tried to Shoot Donald Trump Pleads Guilty
Напомним, что единственный кандидат в этой гонке, на которого реально покушались - это Трамп.
Но обвинения почему-то только во владении оружием и помехе официальным функциям, хотя он своими словами признался, что не просто так взял пистолет поиграться, а хотел убить.

34. Hillary Clinton Shouts at Camera: ‘Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead’ of Donald Trump?
Must be that vast right wing conspiracy.
I recommend watching her with sound off. Terrifying.

35. Fear, Anxiety, and Depression in the Age of Trump
Therapists and their patients are struggling to cope amid the national nervous breakdown that is the 2016 election.
Конечно, без этого обойтись не могло - от Буша у них крышку срывало, и от Трампа крышку срывает. Такая у них крышка, плохо привинченная.

36. Gennifer Flowers says she will attend debate as Donald Trump’s guest
Неплохо будет.

37. Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump on Facebook

Мудрая дипломатия

38. War crimes investigators collecting evidence of the Islamic State group's elaborate operation to kidnap thousands of women as sex slaves say they have a case to try IS leaders with crimes against humanity but cannot get the global backing to bring current detainees before an international tribunal.
Обаму жертвы ISIS не интересуют.

Беспристрастная пресса

39. CNN edits out Clinton reference to NY explosion as 'bombing'

40. 'An Act of Terrorism': Investigators Hunting for Clues in NYC Bomb That Injured 29
So Trump was right to call it a bomb?

41. The Media Surrender: Forget accuracy. Defeating Trump is too important.
I think “surrender” is a wrong word here. That implies they were fighting it. They weren’t - they are only glad they don’t have to pretend now.

42. Actual MSNBC host: We're also very very lucky that the attackers tried to use explosives rather than guns.

43. Palmer Luckey поддерживает про-Трамповских агитаторов в интернете.
Левым дежурно сорвало крышку от ненависти - как это он! своими грязными деньгами! нагло спонсирует этих мерзавцев! какая мерзость!

44. Спортсмен сказал что-то против BLM - и тут же выяснилось, что, оказывается, вовсе не так уж важно, чтобы спортсмены могли высказывать своё мнение, если оно не совпадает с мнением левой прессы! Оказывается, таких надо гнать поганой метлой! Вот если бы он обсирал Америку и обвинял всех в расизме - тогда да, другое дело.

45. Mariners suspend Steve Clevenger without pay for remainder of the season.
The Seattle catcher is being criticized for a controversial tweet he made about the protesters in Charlotte.
Ну разумеется - как нам выше объяснили, он покусился на по-настоящему святое.

Наука и Технологии

46. Firms that Discriminate are More Likely to Go Bust
Что и логично, если принимать решения иррационально, то риск выше.

47. Stealing Machine Learning Models via Prediction APIs
Это интересное поле для исследований.

48. Ig Nobel Prizes 2016

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

49. Левых корёжит батхерт от “гуманизации” Трампа.
Тут интересен тот факт, что дегуманизацию оппонента они не просто считают простительной - они её считают обязательной.

50. Columbia U. conservatives’ horror stories: Threatened, bullied, censored
No safe spaces for conservative students at Columbia University
Никакой гуманизации не допускается.

51. Church of Sweden calls Christians wearing a cross "seditious and un-Christian”.
Is the Pope catholic? I don’t even know anymore.

52. No Ithaca College Students Show Up For Diversity Forums They Demanded

53. Who Is Behind The Riots? Charlotte Police Says 70% Of Arrested Protesters Had Out Of State IDs.

54. Chicago Rapper Shot While Shooting Black Lives Matter-Themed Music Video

55. 'Are STEM Syllabi Gendered?' A Feminist Professor Says Women Can't Do Science
The syllabi for college-level STEM courses-science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-are "gendered" because they promote the idea that knowledge can be ascertained through reason. This is a masculine concept that hurts women's feelings and makes it difficult for them to succeed.

56. University of Wisconsin System Spent $2.7 Million on Speakers, But Conservatives ‘Notably Absent’.
Как правильно замечает Instapundit, это просто система про перетаскиваю денег из карманов налогоплательщиков в карманы левых активистов.


57. Since 1789, over 10,000 amendments to the Constitution have been introduced in Congress.
Turns out, it’s not that easy.

58. Was Hillary Clinton Poor? No, New York Times, She Wasn't.

Россия - щедрая душа

59. США: Гумконвой сирийского Красного Полумесяца уничтожила Россия


60. In New York, a Palestinian named Akram Joudeh was picked up two months ago while screaming “Allahu akbar” outside a Brooklyn synagogue. He was ordered deported, and was in Midtown on Thursday appealing his deportation notice when he started attacking bystanders with a meat cleaver.

61. Паника в "женских журналах": положение «знаков зодиака» давно изменилось.
Например, родившиеся 4 августа считали себя Львами (или Львицами), но с уточнёнными датами гороскопа стали Раками.

62. There’s a bluetooth electric toothbrush. Given that Harald Bluetooth probably got his nickname for bad tooth (or teeth) that represents coming full circle.

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1039538.html.

2016, линки недели, weekly, окружающая среда

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