линки недели - 90

Sep 10, 2016 23:43

Для нашего же блага

1. Warner Bros. Flags Its Own Website as a Piracy Portal
Я думаю, Гуглю следует послушаться и вынести весь сайт охреневших братьев из базы.

2. The DEA Thinks All Kratom Use Is Abuse
The agency says the psychoactive leaf must be banned because it has never been approved.
This is always the default - ban first, ask questions later.

3. DEA Argues That Public Comment Is Unnecessary Before Kratom Ban
Shut up, they explained.

4. Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS.
Скоро и в США.

5. Markets Destroy Traditionalist Oppression
Как-то они неправильно это делают. Надо ходить на демонстрации, запрещать слова, вводить регулации и процентные нормы, наконец назначать вице-президентов по борьбе с опрессией и директоров анти-опрессионной службы...

6. Amtrak Waited 6 Months To Ask If A Trapped Woman Made It Out Of An Elevator
Who said they don’t care?

7. Drug price regulation might be worse, in terms of life-years lost, than Great Leap Forward in China. Or at least same order of magnitude.

8. More on EpiPens and the whole medical costs fiasco.

9. Customer Experience Survey:
The federal government finished dead last among 21 major industries, and had five of the eight worst scores of the 319 brands, leading Forrester to note that government has a “near monopoly on the worst experiences.”

10. Since the DC minimum wage increased in July 2015 to $10.50 an hour, restaurant employment in the city has increased less than 1% (and by 500 jobs), while restaurant jobs in the surrounding suburbs increased 4.2% (and by 7,300 jobs). An even more dramatic effect has taken place since the start of this year-DC restaurant jobs fell by 1,400 jobs (and by 2.7%) in the first six months of 2016 between January and July-that’s the largest loss of District food jobs during a 6-month period in 15 years.
Good job, DC!

Нас бережёт

11. The Truth About the Biggest U.S. Sex Trafficking Story of the Year
It was shocking, scandalous, horrifying. Yet almost none of it is true.

12. Florida voters oust Angela Corey
Это прокурорша, которая преследовала Зиммермана и отметилась в других делах своей кровожадностью.

13. Much of the forensic analysis used in criminal trials isn’t scientifically valid, according to a draft report by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

14. Mississippi Police Chief Kills Self Amid Federal Asset Forfeiture Investigation
Justice Dept. was trying to track down $300,000 missing from fund
Asset forfeiture is a legalized robbery.

Лучшие люди города

15. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost several mobile telephones carrying e-mails from her private server during her time in office, according to newly-released FBI documents on the investigation into her mishandling of classified information.
Не один, заметим, не два - одиннадцать (!!) устройств, в каждом из которых могла содержаться секретная информация и каждое из которых бесследно исчезло. Обычному человека за такое на несколько пожизненных хватило. А Клинтон что - сказала ФБР “нихера не помню” и свободна.

16. Hillary: I Only Seem ‘Cold Or Unemotional’ Because Sexist Men Harassed Me
Of course, that’s the reason.

17. “Although we certainly support Chelsea’s right to campaign on her mother’s behalf, we do not agree with Mrs. Clinton choosing to make this ‘conversation’ available exclusively to individuals who can afford or are willing to pay at least $500,” Ethan Paul, College Progressives of Penn State vice president, said. “It is particularly deplorable that a $2,700 donation - the legal limit - gets a personal conversation with Mrs. Clinton.”
Яблочко от яблони. С другой стороны, они же за это голосуют - так в чём их проблема?

18. Билл Клинтон получил 17,6 миллиона за позицию консультанта в частном колледже Laureate. В обмен на что Хиллари использовала своё служебное положение, чтобы приглашать представителей этого колледжа на различные эксклюзивные события.
Разумеется, Laureate также занёс несколько миллионов в Clinton Foundation.

19. Hillary’s email server anything but ‘private’ when it comes to who paid for it.
Разумеется, этот сервер частный только когда надо скрывать информацию, но не когда надо за него платить - тут только денежки налогоплательщиков.

Навстречу выборам

20. Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
At the same time, the rules do not restrict donations to Clinton-Kaine.

21. ‘Hide It Hillary’ mobile app game banned by Apple; titles like ‘Punch Trump’ approved

Мудрая дипломатия

22. The secret deals let Iran exceed the stated limit on how much low-enriched uranium - which can be purified to weapons-grade material - it retains.
They also allow it to keep operating radiation-containment chambers, and to store abroad (but under Tehran’s control) the heavy-water stocks needed for nuclear-weapons development.

23. After being called an obscenity by the president of the Philippines, President Obama canceled a meeting with the leader that had been scheduled for Tuesday.
Уважение к Обаме достигло небывалых высот.

24. Obama meets with Philippine president despite "SOB" slur

25. U.S. Transferred $1.3 Billion More in Cash to Iran After Initial Payment
Это, заметим, была tough diplomatic strategy. Страшно подумать, во что нам это обошлось бы, не будь они столь суровы и мудры - триллион? Больше?
Да, кстати - деньги эти пошли прямиком в иранский военный бюджет.

Беспристрастная пресса

26. Работник MSNBC призывает бойкотировать Израиль, потому что какой-то хасид не понравился кому-то в самолёте.

27. Клинтон жалуется, что пресса её чморит, а любит Трампа. Кроме шуток.

Международная панорама

28. Swiss tell EU: Hands off veterans' assault rifles
Молодцы гномы!

29. Report: Abbas was a K.G.B. agent

30. US bloggers banned from entering UK: Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer co-founded anti-Muslim group Stop Islamization of America.
It's OK to ban people for ideological reasons when it's not Trump doing it.

31. North Korea bans sarcasm because Kim Jong-un fears people only agree with him ‘ironically’
“The main point of the lecture was ‘Keep your mouths shut.’”


32. This Mojave Desert solar plant kills 6,000 birds a year.

33. Hello, I’m Mr. Null. My Name Makes Me Invisible to Computers

34. The 100% correct way to validate email addresses
Кстати да.

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

35. A professor issued an informal invitation to an Israeli film director to screen his new documentary, The Settlers, at Syracuse University-the site of an upcoming conference on "The Place of Religion in Film."
Syracuse's religious studies department cancelled the invitation due to concerns that "the BDS faction on campus will make matters very unpleasant for you and for me if you come."

36. This paper compares three distinct ways that digestion has been construed as political in the works of Marx, Nietzsche, and Whitman.

37. On the 14th of June, 2016, the US Senate passed an extensive $602 billion defense bill that included an amendment that would require women to register for the draft when they turn 18.
Левую общественность прохватил бурный батхерт - это не то равенство, которого мы хотели! Мы хотели быть равнее всех, а тупые мужланы опять неправильно поняли!

38. 'Any negative remarks regarding ‘Harambe’ will be seen as a direct attack to our campus’s African American community.'
Isn’t this kind of racist?

39. Cal State LA Sets Up Segregated Black Housing For “Safe Space”

40. Black Lives Matter Airport Protestors Were All White

41. Guess what is racist now? Climate change.

42. Guess what else is racist now? Making America great again.
But not when Bill Clinton says Hillary Clinton will do it.

43. Female Student Admits to Incredible Lie That Got Auburn Football Player Kicked Off Team
Says Title IX coordinator 'really wanted to make it a big deal, after I told her basically that I lied.'

44. UC Berkeley Offers Class in Erasing Jews From Israel, Destroying Jewish State
Нигде кроме, как в Беркли.

45. Микроагрессии уже old news, новое слово:
Another subset of microaggression is known as the microinvalidation, which includes comments suggesting that race plays a minor role in life’s outcomes, like “Everyone can succeed in this society if they work hard enough.”

Россия - щедрая душа

46. Если вы не понимаете действия главнокомандующего...

47. Российский бизнес, бессмысленный и беспощадный

48. Путин запретил выпускать сковородки на предприятиях ОПК
В России полностью внедрили практическую контрамоцию.

49. После завершения обыска в квартире задержанного ранее полковника МВД Дмитрия Захарченко оперативники изъяли крупную сумму в долларах, эквивалентную восьми миллиардам рублей. Захарченко работает в антикоррупционном главке.

50. КАМАЗ запретил рабочим обсуждать действия властей и ругаться матом


51. US forces in Iraq used 250000 bullets per enemy killed.

52. 5,300 Wells Fargo employees fired over 2 million phony accounts
Wow WTF?

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1037212.html.

libertarian, экономика, bear arms, ученье - свет, war without reason, Израиль, за здравие, google, what difference, линки недели, 2016, совок 2.0, weekly, окружающая среда, лучшие люди города, мудрая дипломатия

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