Для нашего же блага
Mom Arrested for Leaving Kids Alone in the House While She Went Out for FoodПиздец вообще, 9-летний ребёнок уже считается настолько несамостоятельным, что не может посидеть часок сам дома?
Massachusetts Will Tax Uber to Subsidize Taxi Industry.Логично. Надо также ввести налог на таксистов для субсидирования извозчиков, и на извозчиков для субсидирования паланкинов.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that 17 percent of service sector firms and 21 percent of manufacturers are reducing the number of workers they employ due to Obamacare.Как говорится, Obamacare works only if you don’t.
Впрочем: For those Americans across the United States that are unfortunately purchasing health insurance on an Obamacare exchange, the average premium increase for 2017 will be 23 percent.
Нас бережёт
Police Say Tasering 8-Year-Old Native American Girl Was JustifiedI say firing them all on the spot is justified. Tar and feathers are not out of the question too.
TSA Agents Detained Nine-Year Old Boy Because He Had A PacemakerCeterum censeo: fire them all.
Лучшие люди города
RICH: Hillary flies 20 miles in private jet from Martha’s Vineyard to NantucketI’m sure Clinton Foundation bought some carbon offsets for that from the last Saudi donation.
Hillary Clinton’s top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female US president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11. Навстречу выборам
Seven months after a federal judge ordered the State Department to begin releasing monthly batches of the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, the government told The Associated Press it won't finish the job before Election Day.Это ж Клинтоны, что им суды да законы?
Мудрая дипломатия
Yesterday, the Obama administration finally admitted that its $400 million cash payment to Iran was contingent on the release of a group of American prisoners.Но это был не выкуп. Это было “contingency”. Совсем другое дело.
State Department can’t determine who edited Iran briefing. Confirms minutes were deleted from videotape deliberately, but says technical staff can’t remember who ordered moveУ них там в госдепе так принято - все документы кто хочет редактирует, что кому хочет пересылает, никто ни за чем не следит. Надо строить мосты, а не заборы. Это так с Клинтон повелось. И забывчивость тоже оттуда, и ещё диски очень часто мрут, совершенно случайно. Такая уж традиция.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest defended the $400 million payment to Iran that was contingent on the release of four American prisoners as emblematic of President Obama’s “tough diplomatic strategy” on Monday. Беспристрастная пресса
Breitbart and other Jews working for his website exemplified the kind of radical right wing Jews who hate their liberal co-religionists most of all: in many ways, they are auto-anti-Semites.Флагман израильских левых, Хаарец, на примерах демонстрирует нам, что такое “хуцпа”. После многих лет обливания израильских правых ненавистью и помоями, они обнаруживают, что у правых есть к ним недружеские чувства, и падают на кушетку для обмороков с воплем: Антисемиты!!!!
PBS Newshour removed criticism of Hillary Clinton, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and Obamacare from Judy Woodruff’s interview of Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein.Народу не нужны нездоровые сенсации.
Международная панорама
A Guide to the Palestinian LexiconТут важно понимать, что речь идёт не о ХАМАСе, а о так называемых “умеренных”. Это для них Израиль - сионистское образование, оккупирующее Хайфу.
Looks like Rio police were the biggest liars in the Lochte drama… if anyone still cares about the truth.Somebody does unexpected act of journalism! Turns out there was no trashed bathroom, and there were money demanded by armed men, and not sure for what…
Venezuela's Latest Response to Food Shortages: Ban Lines Outside BakeriesЛогично.
A statue of Vladimir Lenin in the Ukrainian city of Odessa has been given a sci-fi twist - by being transformed into Darth Vader.Неплохо.
Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Vandalizing Soviet Monuments To Look Like American Superheroes Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц
The Princeton University HR department has largely wiped the word “man” from its vocabulary. 20.
Target Adds Private Bathrooms to Quell Transgender DebateFollows customer protests of its restroom policy on transgender individuals
Немножко забежали впереди паровоза.
Calling Out ‘Political Correctness’ Is Offensive, Says University of Wisconsin 22.
The State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton is now offering a course called “#StopWhitePeople2K16” as part of routine training for residential assistants. 23.
California State University (CSU) at Fresno hosted a three-day retreat for black students only, in an effort to promote social justice and inclusion. 24.
Northwestern University is currently in the midst of a six-week “social justice education” program that is exclusively for white students.
Students applying for the program are required to commit to attend all six sessions, seemingly preventing students from abandoning the program if they don’t like it or feel uncomfortable.Я считаю, правильно - видели ведь, какой курс. Записались? Вот теперь ешьте.
The University of Chicago, one of America’s most prestigious and selective universities, is warning incoming students starting this fall not to expect safe spaces and a trigger-free existence during their four-year journey through academia.Внезапно у кого-то сохранились мозги и кохонес.
Social Justice Warriors Freak Out Over UChicago Dean’s ‘No Safe Spaces’ Stance 27.
Facebook is trying to get rid of bias in Trending news by getting rid of humans/…/
A new group of humans will still be involved with Trending, although they’ll be asked to focus on correcting the algorithm’s mistakes.
In other words, nothing really changed. But now they have both plausible deniability (it’s not us, it’s Algorithms!) and excuse (oh, we didn’t intend to suppress conservative stories, it’s just a bug).
Chicago Rapper Shot While Shooting Black Lives Matter-Themed Music Video История
The world's first website went online 25 years ago. 30.
Happy 25th birthday, Linux 31.
Сара Пэйлин: Если победит Обама, Россия нападет на УкраинуНапомним.
Россия - щедрая душа
Письмо Олега Сенцова 33.
ФСБ: под Смоленском контрабандисты отремонтировали дорогу для ввоза санкционных продуктовМногоходовочка!
Генпрокуратура Украины опубликовала телефонные переговоры, в которых, по заявлению ведомства, советник президента России Сергей Глазьев ведет переговоры о подготовке референдума в Крыму и обсуждает Новороссию.Ничего неожиданного, конечно.
#ЯНеБоюсьСказать™ станет охраняемой в РФ торговой маркойЛогично.
Soccer's Ultimate Con Man Was a Superstar Who Couldn't Play the GameМужик 20 лет был профессиональным футболистом, не играя в футбол вообще.
User Illusion: Everyday ‘Placebo Buttons’ Create Semblance of Control 38.
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