линки недели - 85

Aug 06, 2016 21:25

Для нашего же блага

1. Israel Prepares to Legalize Marijuana for Recreational Use

2. Jeffrey Smith admits GMO labeling was never his goal
Конечно нет. Их интерес - запретить GMO вообще и чтобы все покупали их organic бренды. A ту лохи, которые поддерживали “но мы же имеем право знать” - ну, плевали они на ваше право, как обычно, их бизнес совсем в другом.

3. Clinton: Every Right That We Have Is Open To And Subject To Reasonable Regulations
And of course she’s the one who determines what’s reasonable. E.g. ban on criticizing Hillary Clinton is entirely reasonable.

4. Louisiana’s Licensing Laws Nearly Destroyed This Woman’s Eyebrow Threading Business. Now She’s Fighting Back.
State requires 750 hours of classes on unrelated skills.

5. You can get medical marijuana card online for $30.
Guys, just fucking legalize it already. It’s beyond ridiculous now.

6. Judge wipes out patent troll’s $625M verdict against Apple
Отлично, всё, что вредит троллям - хорошая новость.

7. The argument that copyright encourages innovation is simply a pretense for protectionism. Some protection for intellectual property probably does encourage innovation, as the “Tabarrok Curve” illustrates, but the pretense becomes clear when we see copyright repeatedly extended for works already in existence.
Разумеется, аргумент, что без этого никто не станет ничего делать, работает только однажды. Потому - это банальный rent-seeking, из чего индустрия копирайта состоит сейчас примерно на 99.9%.

8. The BBC's creepy detector vans will be dragged into the 21st century to sniff Brits' home Wi-Fi networks, claims the UK Daily Telegraph's Saturday splash.
From September 1, you'll need a telly licence if you stream catch-up or on-demand TV from the BBC's iPlayer service, regardless if you've got a television set or not - phone, computer, potato, whatever, you'll have to cough up.

Большой Брат слушает твой Wifi.

Нас бережёт

9. Federal Appeals Court Upholds Criminal Charges Against 13 Year Old for Burping in Class

10. "Does that college motherfucker know who I am?" USC Title IX Director Gretchen Dahlinger Means asked Title IX Investigator Patrick Noonan, after a conference call during which the student, "John Doe," had explained his intention to appeal.
Oh, we know. A power-hungry bureaucrat and a petty micro-tyrant.

11. You *can* get in big trouble for threatening people on the internet. If you were threatening wrong ones.

Лучшие люди города

12. Harry Reid admits to violating election law, but FEC won't prosecute
This is known as “Democrat politician exception” to the laws.

13. Hillary: I “Short Circuited” In Interview With Chris Wallace
Представляем вам новый эвфемеизм для “соврала” - short circuited!

Навстречу выборам

14. Clinton's Latest Defense: Her Email Statements Were Not True, but She Was Truthful
She was lying truthfully!

15. Imbalance of Campaign Cash Doesn't Bother Democrats This Election
Как только оказалось, что Клинтон тратит резко больше Трампа, как все вопли слева о том, что деньги правят политикой и надо это срочно прекратить резко заткнулись.

16. Программа демократов.

17. A Moscow-based technology initiative funded in part by the Russian government funneled tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state, according to a new report released Monday.

18. Penn Jillette on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, And Why He's All in on Gary Johnson
Worth watching. He worked with Trump btw.

19. Donald Trump Promises to Out-Pork All Comers With More Than $500 Billion in Infrastructure Spending
That’s why we have to elect a Republican - so that it won’t happen! Oh wait..

20. Clinton: We are going to raise taxes on the middle class!
Audience: Wohoo!!!

21. Wait, so this guy on the right is the Libertarian candidate? Shit.

22. Кстати, вы в курсе, что vast right wing conspiracy снова на арене?

Мудрая дипломатия

23. President Obama on Thursday pushed back on claims that the United States paid $400 million for the release of four American hostages in Iran.
Просто так случайно получилось, что он решил послать в Иран 400 миллионов, и совершенно независимо сразу после этого иранцы решили отпустить заложников.

Беспристрастная пресса

24. Alan Dershowitz: The New York Times makes a shocking mistake
NYT скрывает нынешнее место работы известного чёрного расиста, антисемита и all around омерзительного отморозка Малика Шабаза, потому что это поставит его слишком близко к BLM.
Лично я не очень вижу, как можно опозорить BLM - но, видимо, Нью-Йорк Таймс видит.

25. Приоритеты беспристрастной CNN.


26. ISIS wrote a six reasons list to explain why they hate the West
Pretty clear picture.
But remember, a) this has nothing to do with Islam and b) their motives are always unclear.

27. There are now more than twice as many British Muslims fighting for Islamic State than there are serving in the British armed forces, according to a British Member of Parliament (MP).
Nice going, British Muslim community.

28. A rally organized by Muslim groups held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on July 23 was planned with the goal of drawing 100,000 attendees. Only dozens showed up according to media reports.
Well, at least there are dozens.

29. Lebanese Olympians ‘refuse to ride in bus with Israelis’Israeli sailing team trainer says some Lebanese delegates tried to block Israelis from entering vehicle en route to opening ceremony.
О спорт - ты мир! Если вы, конечно, не еврей.

Международная панорама

30. Venezuela's new decree: Forced farm work for citizens
When Hayek wrote about road to serfdom, it wasn’t a metaphor.

31. Angela Merkel refuses to change 'open-door' refugee policy in face of migrant attacks
Немцам придётся терпеть. Ну или избрать себе кого-нибудь другого. А не могут - расслабиться и получать удовольствие.

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

32. Guess what is racial harassment now? Wearing a hat with “don’t tread on me”.
The reason is because Gadsen owned slaves. Since Washington owned slaves too, pretty much anything related to the US is racial harassment. Just so you know.

33. DePaul Bans Ben Shapiro Over Safety Concerns Caused by Liberals

34. Some popular feminist myths.

35. If you are only attracted to able, 'mentally well', cis, normatively beautiful people, from class privileged backgrounds, then you are upholding violent norms.
Just so you know.

36. Black Lives Matter movement declares war on 'Israeli Apartheid'
Radical organization releases 6-point platform, demands Israeli aid be diverted to reparations to Iraq and Libya.
Это если кому было ещё непонятно, какое говнище это BLM, они спешат отметить все чекбоксы.


37. «Стру́ма» - болгарское судно, на котором в декабре 1941 года еврейские беженцы пытались эвакуироваться в Палестину, находившуюся в то время под британским управлением. 24 февраля 1942 года судно, возможно, было потоплено действовавшей в Чёрном море советской подводной лодкой Щ-213. 768 пассажиров судна (из них 103 - дети), за исключением одного, погибли.

Россия - щедрая душа

38. Суровые будни российских наркополицейских.

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1034398.html.

big brother, libertarian, war without reason, Израиль, Ливан, what difference, 2016, mass media, линки недели, совок 2.0, weekly, копирайт, окружающая среда, история, политика, лучшие люди города, drumpf, мудрая дипломатия

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