линки недели - 71

Apr 30, 2016 17:01

Для нашего же блага

1. Save the Polar Bears? They’re Fine, Actually

2. Federal law  makes it a felony “for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the Unites States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same).”
Unless, on course, one is a Democrat and does it to serve Democrat agenda. Then it’s fine.

3. The open, naked promise to use prosecutorial powers as a political weapon is a prima facie abuse of office. In a self-respecting society, every one of those state attorneys general would have been impeached the next day. But this is the Age of Obama, not the Age of Self-Respect.
Unfortunately, it is.

4. Mary “Missy” Hogan, a National Park Service employee who gives guided tours of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, stunned a group of tourists this week by telling them that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were the product of “class elites who were just out to protect their privileged status.”
Нашли хорошую начальницу заведовать Independence Hall, да.

5. Тhe Case of the Catfish Cartel
When an industry demands that the government regulate it more strictly, you usually don't have to look very far to find a barely-hidden agenda.

6. Life in California -- A Tax on a Tax
До идеи брать налоги на налоги даже Родари, изощрявшийся с налогом на воздух, не додумался. Впрочем, у нас налог на воздух (aka carbon emissions) - давно пройденный этап.

7. Minimum Wage Hike Kills Popular Upstate NY Eatery
Real minimum wage is always $0.

8. Gov. Brown Admits $15 Minimum Wage Does Not Make Economic Sense, Approves It Anyway
Economics is irrelevant for him, partisan politics is very relevant.

9. A man wearing a Halloween mask and carrying an assault rifle robbed a casino in Pacheco early Monday, authorities said.
Я замечаю явную ошибку в этом репортаже. В Калифорнии assault rifle - запрещены, следовательно, не может быть, чтобы ими кто-то пользовался!

10. The Detroit News reported this week that the U.S. Department of Education allegedly gave Detroit Public Schools $30 million to help it pay required contributions to an employee pension fund, but the school district never sent the money into the state-run system.The $30 million was supposed to cover pension contributions for DPS employees whose pay came from federal grants.

11. HuffPo blogger: self-defense is illegal because it denies the attacker а fair trial.
Вот пример человека, которой повторяет заученные в коллежде слова, не понимая их реального смысла.

Нас бережёт

12. A Houston eighth-grader was reportedly investigated for forgery after she tried to use a $2 bill to pay for lunch at school.
Тяжело, наверное, жить в городе, населённом идиотами.

Международная панорама

13. What caused Haiti’s cholera epidemic?
The UN did. Don’t think anybody suffered any consequences. If that was a private company, it would be destroyed, vaporized, nuked from orbit and then sued out of existence.

14. A groundbreaking Israeli security system could have helped French authorities prevent the Paris massacre last November - but authorities balked at the deal under pressure from the anti-Israel boycott movement.

15. Venezuela Runs Out Of Money To Print New Money
Теперь там настанет коммунизм.

16. Venezuela Runs Out of Beer
А вот теперь действительно всё.

Лучшие люди города

17. The mayor is going down.

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

18. Guess what is oppressive now? Putting Tubman on $20.

19. Guess what is racist now? Asking a black woman to close a door.

20. Curt Schilling, ESPN Analyst, Is Fired Over Offensive Social Media Post
Содержание крамолы: “A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.”

21. An anti-war, pro-peace mural was deemed "triggering" by a student at Pitzer College, who objected to the work of art because it included a drawing of a gun. The artist has now agreed to alter her mural so that this student can continue to feel safe on campus.

22. USC Cancelled an Awesome Video Game Panel for Including Too Many Men


23. Harvard Law Anti-Semite Revealed: No Surprises
Более подробно о деятеле, наехавшем на Ципи Ливни.

24. NYU graduate student workers union passes BDS resolution
Левые активисты в академии - говно, профсоюз - говно, вместе - говно в квадрате.

25. Новая президентка Национального Союза Студентов успокаивает - я вовсе не антисемитка, я не против евреев, а только против жидов!

26. Missouri Student Protestors Demanded Generators, a Fire Pit
Поразительная вообще наглость - “мы протестуем против вас, принесите нам всего побольше, чтобы нам было удобнее!” И, что самое замечательное, работает.

27. Mizzou Misery: Exclusive Emails Reveal The Brutal Backlash
Похоже, людям почему-то не нравятся обязательные курсы diversity и расовые войны.

Россия - щедрая душа

28. Со склада в аэропорту Домодедово похитили двигатель от лайнера «Боинг-737»
Дизель был в 20-м веке, в 21-м - турбореактивные двигатели.

29. Под Костромой пчелы напали на полицейских, встав на защиту посевов конопли


30. Is cocaine kosher for Passover?
Насущный вопрос. Заметим, что два противоположных ответа от двух евреев.

31. Why Can't San Francisco Stop Its Epidemic of Window Smashing?

32. Meghann Foye has never had a kid, but believes childless women are entitled to a "meternity" leave of their own to reflect on their lives.
Разумеется. Почему такая дискриминация? Нет, конечно, мужикам фигу - to a lesser degree - но ей-то почему не полагается отпуск по уходу за собой? Где-то с полгодика-годик так?

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1023905.html.
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