линки недели - 67

Apr 05, 2016 06:24

Для нашего же блага

1. NYC spends ~$228k ($19k * 12 years) attempting to educate every low-IQ child. Why not just give it to them in a trust fund instead?
Not a bad question BTW. Of course, then one has to do something with teacher’s unions.

2. The system is a retarded giant throwing wads of $100 bills and books of rules in random directions while shouting “LOOK AT ME! I’M HELPING! I’M HELPING!” Sometimes by luck you catch a wad of cash, and you think the system loves you. Other times by misfortune you get hit in the gut with a rulebook, and you think the system hates you. But either one is giving the system too much credit.
One of the best descriptions of Big Government I’ve read for a while.

3. Obama: If Government Can’t Access Phones, ‘Everybody Is Walking Around With A Swiss Bank Account In Their Pocket’…
Он так говорит, как будто в этом есть что-то плохое.

4. The regulators who destroyed Decker College have never been held accountable.

5. Legislature approves minimum wage increase, sending historic measure to Gov. Jerry Brown
Мудаки. Впрочем, учитывая, что штат полностью захвачен демократами, неудивительно.

6. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole,” said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.
“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy,” said Edenhofer.

Да мы, в принципе, в курсе - но спасибо за откровенность.

7. Law Enforcement Cheers the Return of Equitable Sharing
Романтики с большой дороги в полиции снова могут грабить с полного одобрения минюста.

Мудрая дипломатия

8. Подборка: как менялась позиция Обамы по Ираку.

9. Cuban agents brutalize democracy protesters after Obama visit
Цирк уехал, клоун отправился играть в гольф, а кубинская диктатура вернулась к привычному.


10. Unemployed lawyers sue schools over promises of jobs.
Ученик Протагора возвращается.

Россия - щедрая душа

11. Hackers did indeed cause Ukrainian power outage, US report concludes
И мы довольно неплохо представляем, откуда эти hackers взялись.

12. Олег Табаков стал лауреатом премии Олега Табакова


13. Следующий на очереди в битвах за encryption - WhatsApp.

14. Facebook’s vice president for Latin America has been arrested on his way to work in São Paulo, Brazil. Federal police picked up Diego Dzodan because Facebook disobeyed a court order to help investigators in a drug case that involves a WhatsApp user.

15. Reddit has removed the warrant canary posted on its website, suggesting that the company may have been served with some sort of secret court order or document for user information.

Международная панорама

16. Belgium's ''March against Fear'' cancelled due to fear.

17. When Salah Abdeslam, believed to be the logistics chief for an Islamic State terror cell, was captured, Belgian officials followed law enforcement procedures with precision. /…/Astonishingly, officials did not question Abdeslam at all for his first 24 hours in custody.
Ну молодцы. Зачем допрашивать террористов? Это негуманно, ему и так плохо, утомился он.

18. Араб приехал в Израиль, а его там - удивительно! - не обижают!
В благодарность за хороший приём, он не забывает писать "аль-Кудс" в скобочках после названия столицы Израиля.

Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц

19. A San Francisco State University student of color harassed and assaulted a white student earlier this week, accusing him of stealing her culture-because he had dreadlocks.
Для СФ - логично.

20. The Chalking Continues: U. Mich Students Call Police Over ‘Trump 2016’ and ‘Stop Islam’ Messages

21. University Cancels ‘Vagina Monologues’ Because a White Lady Wrote It

22. Some members of the University of Virginia community want a piece of art-a mural-censored, altered, or completely painted over because it depicts students and professors partying together.
Что ещё интересно - как ни прочитаю такое сообщение, это профессор  или гендерных штудий, или музыки,, или в крайнем случае политологии. Никогда не физики или биологии, скажем.

This entry was originally posted at http://stas.dreamwidth.org/1021575.html.

линки недели, совок 2.0, libertarian, окружающая среда, ученье - свет, вода во облацех, war without reason, мудрая дипломатия

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