Нас бережёт
Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year.
Nearly half the 184 Georgians shot and killed by police since 2010 were unarmed or shot in the back, an Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Channel 2 Action News investigation has found.
3. Бывший полицейский рассказывает:
Being a cop showed me just how racist and violent the police are.
С одной стороны, доверие к любому, работающему в организациях типа NAACP, у меня невелико. С другой, проблемы, на которые он указывает, в частности - с ответственностью полицейских - реально существуют.
4. И вот ещё крайне подозрительный случай:
Millionaire tech guru dies in mysterious circumstances after tweeting series of astonishing police brutality allegations.Что тут произошло, я вообще не понимаю.
Для нашего же блага
А New York dentist learned that you can serve as a military dentist unless you're a Jew.
WTF is this?!
Why Are So Many Seattle Restaurants Closing Lately?
Anything to do with minimum wage hikes per chance?
Hawaii is taking its troubled ObamaCare insurance exchange off life support, the governor’s office announced Friday, the latest addition to a growing number of state exchanges forced to close after operations became unsustainable.
200 миллионов долларов ку-ку.
Mr. Earnest said Thursday that he isn’t aware of any perpetrators of mass shootings in the U.S. who were on the no-fly list.
You time-travel to 2100 and find that the global temperature has increased by 2.9° F and the sea level has increased nearly 20 inches. Did we win or lose the fight about climate change?
According to IPCC data, the answer is “nobody has a slightest idea”.
Michigan Woman Jailed for Failing to Renew $10 Dog License On TimeНу вы понимаете - dog license. Правительство ведь должно защищать нас от нелицензированных собаковладельцев? И сажать их в тюрьму?
Because they were forced to do it, children took fruits and vegetables -- 29 percent more in fact. But their consumption of fruits and vegetables actually went down 13 percent after the mandate took effect and, worse, they were throwing away a distressing 56 percent more than before.
Ученье - свет
California: High school seniors will receive their diploma whether or not they pass or even take an exit exam; the law also applies retroactively to students who have graduated since 2004;
Карго культ как он есть.
The impact of bad policy: 40% of rural 3rd graders in India cannot read. This number has risen sharply since the government passed an education act under which no student can fail an exam.
No surprise here.
Recently, a young girl purportedly received a letter stating that her Wonder Woman lunchbox violated a code in which the school asks that children not bring violent images into the building in any way.
Все на борьбу с lunchbox violence!
A 7-year-old's high and tight haircut meant to honor his soldier-stepbrother earned him the threat of suspension from an elementary school named for a Medal of Honor recipient, and the fallout from the incident has led a Tennessee school district to increase security measures.
А также все на борьбу с haircut violence!
Two Edina elementary schools, worried about the politics of the playground, are taking an unusual step to police it: They have hired a recess consultant.
Some parents have welcomed the arrival of the firm Playworks, which says recess can be more inclusive and beneficial to children if it’s more structured and if phrases like, “Hey, you’re out!” are replaced with “good job” or “nice try.”
Начинать надо смолоду, чтобы к колледжу они уже были полностью готовы требовать safe spaces и возмущаться расизмом жареных цыплят генерала Цо.
В медицинском центре UCLA работает сумасшедшая антисемитка. Администрация заявила, что это её личное дело и никаких мер принимать не будет.
В целом, я могу понять позицию администрации - при одном условии, что эта позиция будет применяться последовательно. Однако можно ли ожидать этого от администрации UCLA?
Старомыслы не нутрят ангсоц
Правила поведения белого человека на митинге BLM.
What is consent? Consent is a voluntary, sober, imaginative, enthusiastic, creative, wanted, informed, mutual, honest, and verbal agreement.Если ваш партнёр/ша не были достаточно креативны и вербализировали с недостаточным энтузиазмом и воображением - no sex for you.
В Нью-Йорке свято чтят память и ценят смелость советских шпионов:
Ethel Rosenberg, who was executed with her husband for espionage in 1953, was honored Monday by the City Council on what would have been her 100th birthday.
Россия - щедрая душа
На 10 декабря нам нужны слушатели собрания:
молодежь интеллигентная (славянской наружности, 23-30 лет, рост от 165 до 190, размер одежды от 40 до 54.)
взрослые (30- 55 лет, славянской наружности, не пьющего вида, интеллигентной наружности, рост от 160 до 190, размер одежды от 40 до 54.)
пожилые (55- 65 лет, славянской наружности, не пьющего вида, интеллигентной наружности, рост от 155 до 190, размер одежды от 40 до 54.)
Мощный бизнес, однако. И славянской наружности, конечно.
В России поймана группа преступников, выращивающая зимой зеленый лук.
Во гады-то!
Международная панорама
The good Samaritans who took onto their farm over 100 refugees displaced by this year’s xenophobic violence, now claim they have been threatened with murder by the same people they had set out to help.
Venezuela frees Pepsi workers it arrested for not making enough PepsiСоциализм во всей своей красе
Днепропетровск хотят переименовать в Днепропетровск.
Зря. Я бы на их месте переименовал в Днепропетровск.
Ontario is the largest sub-national debtor in the entire world, its debt is $294 billion, or over $21,000 per capita Беспристрастная пресса
The 2015 Dishonest Reporting Awards 28. The 2015 Dishonest Reporter of the Year:
BBCNo surprise here.
Навстречу выборам
O’Malley campaign gets new lease on life after 1 guy showing up for event makes national news.
There’s still “O’Malley campaign”?
Is Public Policy Polling a Reliable Source? No. Клинтониана
Report: Bill Clinton Was Paid Over $8M by Organizations That ‘Had Matters Before’ Hillary Clinton’s State Department.Fifteen of those groups also donated funds between $5 million and $15 million to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation during that time.
Конечно, никаких доказательств, что что-то не так, всё чики-пики.
The State Department said Friday it can't find emails belonging to a former department employee who helped set up and maintain Hillary Clinton's private email server when she was secretary of state.Да это просто эпидемия!
More than 1,200 Clinton emails now deemed classifiedThe agency also falls short of its court-ordered goal of releasing 43,000 pages of the former secretary of state's emails by the end of the year.
And, nobody cares because the law is for plebes.
The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high.
Is US corporate R&D dying? Or just moving to China? 36.
No magic bullet for healthcare costs.Я вспоминаю, как пытался выяснить, сколько стоят процедуры в Кайзере. Выяснилось, что этого мне никто сказать не может. Причём ни до, ни постфактум. Т.е. присылают счёт, но обьяснить, откуда именно берутся цифры, никто не может. Или не хочет.
Науки и технологии
HTTP 451 is now official 38.
The requested entity body is short and stout. (click on the picture)
Plagiarism guidelines retracted for … plagiarism.
The Top 5 Retracted Papers of 2015.
A Starfish-Killing, Artificially Intelligent Robot Is Set to Patrol the Great Barrier ReefСтраж-рыба!
Various legal systems.
Da time wen eryting had start, God wen make da sky an da world. Da world come so no mo notting inside, no mo shape notting. On top da wild ocean dat cova eryting, neva had light notting. Ony had God Spirit dea, moving aroun ova da watta. 43.
Andrew Frey, Man 'High On Meth, Fights Off 15 Police Officers While Masturbating'A чего добился ты, %username%?
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