Jul 02, 2016 20:59
what is an empty vessel?
based from the bible and the catholic religion the bible states that you should become an empty vessel and fill your vessel(body) with Gods light and let God control the situation through your body the vessel.
also its used in terms of (in christianity) that when you die your body becomes an empty vessel and your soul goes to heaven, and thats that.
another way of looking at the definition of an empty vessel is when your body is living, but your astral soul slips out and your body becomes an empty vessel for everything, meaning that your soul is somewhere else, this does allow other entities to occupy your body (empty vessel)in the vatican catholic church they have rituals to actually make very devoted catholics empty vessels. i cant quite find any research in detail online about this so i do not understand yet why the catholic church would want to do that.
self Flagellation was a practice ritual used by devoted catholics in the roman catholic church in which they would physically hurt themselves in order to discipline themselves. it was mostly high leveled devoted priests that practiced that because they felt they had to be strict on themselves in the eyes of God or Jesus to suffer like jesus did. it was like a form of hail mary's because common people confessed to priests and priests confessed directly to God. and i believe that they believe that self harm is deserved because of how jesus was crucified and has suffered. so they punish themselves as jesus was punished.
jesus' soul is bound to the cross by rituals in the catholic church.
and he is still bound.
until the catholic church unbinds him, jesus' soul will not be in a vessel(body) and his second coming will not happen.
we are now in what the bible calls "tribulation" where everyone will experience worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which will kill a lot of people
tribulation as stated by the bible is the period before the rapture.
the rapture is the period before armageddon.
the rapture itself is not known weather or not we will KNOW or even realize it has happened
when theres talk about a rapture in the bible it doesnt mean a million people are going to die and be taken from earth.
it doesn't mean that the believers of jesus that are dead, and only the saved christians and some of the living who believe in jesus are going to immediately go up to heaven to meet God together. its not about JESUS. (other than this is leading up to his release of soul from the cross ie. the second coming. which will happen)
it means the souls that are stuck in cycles, limbo, the souls that experienced a violent death, that are still stuck in that last memory, they will be taken up to our spirit world...aka heaven and just because its in the bible and the bible talks about how only those saved by jesus christ will be saved. thats not true. this is about every person on earth.
the bible is a book written by divine intervention through real people
and divine intervention messages can come in the form if several different ways.
voices in your head, pictures in your head, visions in your mind. messages can come from music, getting an impression from a different person.
my point is divine intervention happens but its subject to how the soul in the vessel interprets the messages they receive. and this means that their personality, way of living, way of thinking on this earth can get in the way of altering the messages that are divinely received.
and the bible was written just as krishna wrote the Bhagavad Gita, just as Mohammad wrote the Quaran.
to understand the end of the world, religion, or anything about afterlife you would have to read and interpret all bibles in all religions all over the world on earth. and ive been reaching the bible, quaran and the bhagavad Gita (indias bible) so those 3 books are an important starting point for me to understand the begining, the end, and this earth.
as an american with no culture, i can be very open minded and understand that EVERYONES RIGHT. EVERY religion is absolutely right. created by humans, for humans, in order to try to understand this world and create a sense of order and structure.
youve got to remember that people didnt travel back then when these spiritual books were written. these people were stuck in their own world (countries) surrounded by their own people in very different places on earth at different times, jesus mohammad and krishna were all PROPHETS. not God. they were HUMAN prophets that were very advanced souls in a world where most souls werent that advanced. so yes they were smarter , yes they were teachers, and yes they were people that changed the world in a very big way seemingly only in their country, or in the religion that formed from their teachings.
but no. they are not God. but yes. they are Worshiped as we feel God should be. and that is ok for now. on earth.
Dont forget we are in TRIBULATION and the bible was the last book to be written by a prophet human that is worshipped like God.
so i know evolution has come a long way. but to understand what will happen next weve got to understand whats happening now.
but. we now have the resources to understand.
because souls have been progressing since the beginning of the earth. we die and come back or get stuck and cycle until we progress move on and come back to earth. and when our soul comes back to earth, whether we are cycling, and not completing our contract with God
{which we wrote with his help in the spirit world before our soul came into our vessel (body) }
or if we did complete the contract with God our soul goes to the spirit world but we get up there and formulate a whole different contract and come back down to earth.
but this time, because of the last contract with God we just completed, we come back to earth with a more evolved spirit and a new harder contract with God to complete, that evolves our soul even more, so when we get back to the spirit world our soul is closer to God. because thats the ultimate goal. our soul as close and like God's Soul.
so you should now understand HOW krishna, mohammad and jesus changed the world for us.
they came down to earth as VERY advanced souls. as they planned and wrote out with God in the spirit world.
but our vessels and our souls are more advanced now then they were back then. not just some but all.
granted there are souls still struggling to complete the same contract with God. and this can be explained as...
if we kill ourselves and give up upon completing our contract with god, we WILL immediately cycle directly back to earth in a similar vessel with a similar life close to the one we've gave up when we killed ourselves our last life. if we didnt we would not advance our soul to become closer to God.
in another note, i believe everything happens as it happens. for a reason. for a purpose. so if someone misinterpreted a divine intervention message. it was as it should be. for there are NO mistakes in this world. but theres a lot of lessons to be learned and thats why we are here. so our souls can be as close like God as possible in the spirit world.