Mar 29, 2004 12:31
ok... so last week was me and alissa's "week" in culinary. it was such an amazing experience. it really makes me think about going into restaurant management. shit we could have the best restaurant if we did this shit together. we decorated SOOOO good, like everyone was saying they've never seen it that nice n shit. a lot of people said it was their favorite week EVER. thats fucking awesome man. mullins said the juniors and sophomores all were complimenting it and saying it was their favorite. that makes me so happy. we set the record for the most sales in a week, AND IN A DAY! gangster shit fo real. heather, lauren, tiff, edy, amie pie, and kathy all came in friday for it! i was so happy. so basically, overall, last week kicked ass.
let me just say, i am in love with a junior culinary boy. ooooh man he's so hott, i feel like amanda haha... or eden. anyway tho, i'm so trying to holler at that fo real. elana is supposed to say something to him for me. haha i'm so shy man. i really hope me and liss have a party tho with our decorations cuz he's all about coming! woo hooo.
prom is fast approaching... gangsterness. i can't wait. i got my dress saturday morning. i love it! i'm going to have to find maddd extra tickets though, cuz let's see... well me and brandon (i get 2 free tickets), then tiff, ame, eden?, heather, lauren, shoba?, and i can't remember who else, but yeah. i just wish we were getting a limo, but the damn culinary girls didn't get the shit together early enough and i'm sure it's too late to get one now :( i really wanted one tho. eh well.
well i think i'll go take a nap or something for a while, i'm really bored. holler.