Aug 15, 2004 22:13
So friday night was alicia's was a lot of fun...i mean it rained all day so we couldn't really go outside so we just hung out in the basement...some ppl were gay and started a food fight so i left and went outside...later on scott and james showed up...along with jmac and and scott talked for a while and made up...then he came up with the brilliant idea of walking into the woods...but i was afraid cause it was dark out so he picked me up and was a little wet back actually it was a lot wet back there...and well scott slipped and we fell and got all dirty :-( then everyone left and we were tired and tried to go to sleep but there was 945465423132487 misquitos and i hate them by the way so they kept us up till like 3:30...and britt and kristi fell asleep and me alicia and julie were still up and alicia turned on some music and i started to sing well that woke brittany up and she told me to shut up and then later that woke kristi up and she also told me to shut up...but hey at least i'm a good singer! <3
saturday my parents took me and alicia to the erie county was fun...we went through this stomach thing...idk what it was but we were freaked haha, then alicia was dancing in it and i told her to turn around and there was this guy just standing behind her..and all she said was, "i wonder if he saw me dancing" lol!! we never get home until 10 and we were both beat by the end of the night!