Title: Too Fresh
Author: Starzki
Rating: T
Genre: Humor, Romance
Prompt: seafood
Word Count: 704
Summary: Kurz and Melissa’s first date goes about as well as you would expect. W/M
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I'm actually really sad that this summer mini-challenge is over. :( But I've joined
fanfic_bakeoff for prompt inspiration and hope to continue drabbling for FMP in the future.
Anyway, about this story. There's not too much to say. I originally had a story idea for Sousuke and Kaname that really didn't touch on seafood at all (I thought I could force it). And then I realized it wasn't going to be anywhere near a drabble. And I love this idea enough that I'll make it into a one-shot. So what to write about for this prompt, then?
Well, there is one character who is known for her love of seafood. Namely, Melissa Mao loves crab. Seafood. Problem solved. I thought a cute first date was in order where disaster would happen that both Melissa and Kurz would find hilarious.
So I used the prompt again. I know in Japan that they often just kill the fish or lobster right before serving it in many restaurants so that it's still twitching when it's served. I've seen it on television, so it must be true! That would freak me the hell out. So I had it surprise Melissa. And one should never surprise Melissa when she is armed. Or ever, really.
I'm feeling pretty okay about this story. I'm not sure how well I did with Kurz's voice.
scribefigaro said he sounded a lot like the way I write Miroku, but I'm not sure. There are some similarities (appreciation for beautiful women), but I see Kurz as less eloquent and wordy as I usually write Miroku. And Kurz does have that narcissism. But
scribefigaro did say that this story made him like Kurz a bit more than he did, so there is that. I don't know. I guess reviewers will let me know if I totally botched it.
So, yeah. End of the challenge that was so much fun to participate in during these long summer months. :D