Jun 05, 2011 18:55
So I finally made a facebook page to keep up with or reconnect with real life people.
I've lost touch with a few, so when I see their page, my reaction has been something along the lines of, "Hey! There's [friends name]. She looks terrific! And she's married?! Good for her! *looks up husband/wife* ACK! Why did she marry someone so old?!?!?"
Wow, I'm judgmental. Part of it is that I'm not so young (though I consistently think of myself as about 24 years old) and quite a few of my friends are a bit older than me. So it's not unusual that they'll be dating/married to someone in their 40's. It's just... shocking to see.
Now I'm wary of friend invite etiquette. I have people I adore, who I used to hang out with all of the time, but who I've completely lost contact with over the last couple of years. I wonder if it's weird to send a friend invite to them. I'm really shy in most social situations and the Internet doesn't always help me figure out what's socially acceptable.
Oh well, I guess I'll figure this out as I go along.
real life