May 03, 2004 06:20
oh man... yesterday was fun.. I woke up at amys.. and then I went to lauras.. I took a shower there.. did my hair.. cause we were SUPPOSED to go to the mall.. but no.. lol no ride one way... so we were just sitting there.. I borrowed lauras cheer hoodie... its hot.. haha.. and her phat farm shoes.. =) pink babyy!! ow ow.. I look hot.. not haha oh shit ms parent ahha hhahaahaha anthony got in trouble.. lmao.. anyways!ASHLEY SUCKS RECTUM!! << from vicky.. lmaoo.. okay anyways.. when I got home .. I sat on the computet till like 5.15 then me n my mom went to go meet my uncle and alesha and we went to the hard rock caaafe detroitttttttttt!!!!! woo hoo.. lol my ucnlr said it was aleshas birthday and she had to go stand up on a chair.. and have it announced it was her birthday. and yeah it was funny... then they did the YMCA.. and I had lauras hoodie on.. and this guy comes up to me and hes like.. oh your a cheerleader come up and do the dance with us! lol.. I'm like uhh I'll pass? I wanna work there! lol seriously! it looks like SO much fun!... =).yeah it was so much fun. I wanna go back there with my friends.. in the summer! =) I got a shirt! I'm wearing it tomorrow..
I'm gonna post pictures.. later or tomorrow ! ...
9:20.. lol byeeee
haha Mr. Davidson just patted courtneys head lol