(no subject)

Oct 22, 2005 00:33

ThInGs GuRlZ wIsH gUyS kNeW~
1) It is not cute to make fun of us.
2) Anything we say while "Aunt Flo" or "Fred" is visiting cannot be held against us.
3) We WILL hate all of your ex girlfriends.
5) Do not, under any circumstances, look at other girls while we are around.
6) No matter how cute you think your goatee, beard, or mustache is, we will hate it.
7) Your ex girlfriend is a slut!
8) All girls like chocolate... u cant go wrong.
9) If you do not stand up for us when we are being picked on, we will be angry with you.
10) If you hurt us, you will get it back ten times worse.
11) Girls are sensitive (Not just talkin hearts here guys) be gentle.
12) Make fun of our clothes; prepare to die.
13) We will not kiss you while we are mad... maybe you should get around to apologizing...
14) Gifts are expected on Valentine's Day... no matter what we say to the contrary.
15) Kisses from behind will get you everywhere.
16) Just because we shower every day does not make us high-maintenance.
17) Inviting us over while you and your guys play video games does not count as quality time.
18) We like to be talked to and held... OFTEN.
19) I can't dance is not an excuse, we appreciate the fact that you at least tried.
20) If you don't dance with us, expect us to dance with other guys... lots of 'em.
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