Update on X-Men: First Class fic progress

Sep 02, 2011 10:40

Work interrupted for a while, as it tends to do, but I now have twenty-three fic ideas (all Charles/Erik, although a couple have the option to be written as gen for variety lol) and I've written/drafted two of them. Haven't posted either yet as I'm having a bit of a wibble about it and want to tweak them some more. I have rusty-ness fear.

Fic #1 is a short piece about Magneto using his power.
Fic #2 is a fix-it piece with flowers and sunshine and Erik doing a lot of serious talking. Charles just about manages not to cry.

Today I intend to write one that pretty much just needs fleshing out as it was an idea that just flowed through my head pretty much complete. I kind of love this idea as it came so naturally and it's so deliciously hurt/comforty.

Then I'll hopefully pick up one of the other many ideas, probably something else short to encourage me to keep going (leave the multichapter ideas until I'm fully warmed up).

I love this fandom/pairing so much!

fandom - x-men: first class

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