Feb 24, 2004 14:00
What is up guys. Today nothing to exciting yet, kinda been in an out of it mood all day, from last night =/ I was in a horrible mood last night. Thanx kevin for being there =) In bio today, nothing to exciting notes tho..ugh..no hw tho yay =) SS nothing exciting either, notes also. Math, went over hw, do now as always..same old thing. Ms Grillo found my calculator..i was glad now i dont have to pay for it yay :) Lunch, chinese food yay. English sucked as usual..lol Gym we did tae-bo. Now im in word processing and we're doing this personality thing..kinda cool. Nicole is driving me and home shannon and me, she is coming over woop! Kristina says "Hi" and she wants me to tell you people shes cool :) what a loserrrr...jk ;) Tonight is the bowling dinner no aileen score! lol. It should be fun but i dont wanna dress up..lolz. The senior awards dinner is thursday i wanna go..lol. Umm yea..so i dont really know what else to say im sure i could think of more but the periods almost over. Im out xoxo <33 Chris