(no subject)

Apr 30, 2005 20:35

I hate being grounded... its so fucking pointless. The second I get caught.. I know not to do it again.. and I won't... so don't ground me. You know I won't do it again... don't fucking ground me. Grounding me makes me want to do it more... cuz ur eliminating ALL chances of seeing him.. and that dont fly with me... which'll force me to do it.. just to see him. Goddamn... get with it.

Any way... nothing new has been happening... still school n work n David.

Jacob still hates me and it makes me sad but im learning to deal with it.

I had an epiphany... I actually want to start trying... so I can make something of my life.. instead of wasting it all away... just so I can have more fun now. I should proportion it out.. I'm sick of being the fuck up. But everything just seems so far gone that its kinda pointless... but i'll trty. We'll see how long it'll last.

I'm in love and it feels soooo good. It's been a long time since I felt this way... You always think you know what love is.. until you find that person that makes you realize you didnt, until he came. <33 siiigh

that is all..

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