
Jun 29, 2009 01:02

  • 12:11 Guild hosted Ulduar PuG actually managed to down XT last night. I got some new resto pants for my shammy. :3 #
  • 12:12 @ mattycus Yes, I'm happy here. ^^ Sometimes people can be frustrating and we wipe on stupid shit. But overall I love my guild. #
  • 21:18 @ kryptongirl It sounds like you're applying for a career. D: Good luck! #
  • 21:24 I'm going to change my lock's profs from mining/engineering to jc/tailoring. I'm also thinking of transferring her to a non-failpug server #
  • 21:24 Need to find if such a place exists first though - and this is also once she gets to 80 and has somewhat decent gear. She's only 38. >_> #
  • 21:24 ......I plan ahead. #
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