Aug 26, 2006 13:05
i started work on wednesday and survived the week witout any huge dilemmas. i really like everyone that i've met and monday starts my first official day of work without being supervised.
very exciting.
my car's broken-ish but i just can't muster up the energy to go and get it fixed. especially since i need it to get ANYWHERE!!! yeah- we definitely live pretty far away from... everything.
today i think we're going to paint ceramics in old town alexandria (we're still trying to come to terms with the fact that we're insanely poor and shouldn't be spending money on ANYTHING- let alone painting ceramics and making mosaics. at least we're helping to keep the independent business man a float?
we're also on a mission to have nick's dad pay for us to go deep sea fishing.
it still kind of feels like a vacation (a highly unluxurious vacation- but a vacation none the less) and like i should be getting back to bg in time to buy books and start classes (by the way, i couldn't believe that school and theta have already started- insanity).
wow- i guess this was a waste of an entry. i should go and band aid up my blistered feet and convince my fabulous boyfriend to go apple buying with me.
i love nick mcfarland so much! all of you should be so so jealous! yesterday he impressed cheryl kandel AND her hugely tall friends! we're so short :(*
*was written by the nick mcfarland... he feels the need to contribute to these types of things- but i do love him a lot :)