he told me he loves me, called me his breezy...

Mar 02, 2005 21:57

*sigh* today was a sad day... i think for a lot of people, not for myself. so for this reason, i'm only going to focus on the negative for a couple minutes.

Today was my grandpa's birthday. every year this day is going to be rather morbid, for obvious reasons. he would have been 77. i guess, its kind of a factoid that people often die on or around their birthdays, crazy!

My mom threw away my active ankles and v-ball shizzle. this kind of upsets me. i told her to wait, but i guess all she heard was "just throw it away" whatever. i'm only upset because we're playing tomorrow in a booster appreciation thing for challenge matches or something, idk... and i dont feel safe playing with out them, *sigh* frig my mom for going through my stuff with out asking/ telling me... jeeze louise!

um... on a brighter note, today was alright..

two hour delay first off was wonderful. i got a couple extra hours of sleep, and i got to catch up with my work in the lib with my two favorite ladies and my favorite boy. :-) it was nice, i needed it, oh man did i need it. to top that off, terri and i walked into the wrong lunch!! haha it's understandable for freshmen to do it, but not the second semester of your senior year! jeezus! haha oh well, noone would do that but us anyway... oy

um, i went to dance today. i started my tap solo!!! i'm so effing excited! it's going to be wonderful! <33333 to the max! i cant wait to start my ballet one next week, or monday maybe/ tuesday.

I've been working out a lot lately. i really really really like it/ need it. i've also started cutting way back on my food intake, as in, not snacking at all, etc. so i'm starting to see results i guess, i'm still nowhere near where i want to be with my body. oh well though, hopefully soon i will be.

Tomorrow , dinner with the v-ballers. i hope its fun, idk if i'm too hot on going... *sigh*

Terri- I've decided that you and i need a mega shopping spree. i'm not joking. sometime in the middle of the month, we're going to take a whole day, and we're going to go shopping, in oswego/ clay/ anywhere. it'll be a lovely day of driving in the car, listening to tunes, and getting some kick ass stuff that noone else has! <333 i hope youre game,i sure as hell know that i am!

You've known me long enough to trust that I want what's best for you.
If you want to be happy then I am the one that you should give your heart to.

*sigh* i wish i knew what you wanted... i could be that, everything and more if you just let me...
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