So I wake myself bright and early, certain that the day could only lead to more frustration and heartache.
But after a few inquiries I get my car running and my cellphone FIXED!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
(I honestly thought I was gonna be without a phone for a while. Thanks to Gaby for insisting on insurance!!)
So I decide that maybe that was a good sign, and call Casey, give him the good news, and head of to Tuluca Lake. It was a really nice day, and the drive wasn't too bad. When I finally get out there, I discover that Casey lives about 4 miles away from Universal Studios.
So me and Casey head off for a day of fun....lunch at the original Bob's Big Boy, some window shopping and Cinema Secrets Halloween Super Store, and then (dun dun DUUUUUN!!!!)
...Ameoba Records.
Now, I will preface this story by saying that I am broke. Dirt poor. Weddings, car problems these things cost $$$. So when I walked in, I told myself not to buy anything.
Now, you know this wasn't going to be the case. It's fucking AMEOBA RECORDS!!! All your wildest dreams can come true at Ameoba Records!!! (So, I am being sue me.)
At one point, I had about $300 worth of records in my arms. And then the movies!!! My god, the movies!!!
...So I bought some new records. (No movies...I had to stop somewhere)
After Ameoba, Casey wanted to walk over to the Arclight to look in the theatre's gift shop...when we discovered that Noah Baumbach's new movie The Squid and the Whale was playing...and there was gonna be a Q&A with the director!!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!! I want to see that movie so badly!!! But even if it wasn't sold out, we had a oncert to go to. *sigh* Clap Your Hands better fucking be amazing!!
After there we went to my more favorite-est place in all of LA...Meltdown comics. Oh man, I almost could have spent more money in there than at Ameoba, but showed restraint. Everytime I am there, I get into a discussion with the employees, and it's always unsolicited on my part...I think they can sense that our spirits are harmonious. Only at a comic shop am I cool.
Anywhoo, I bought Gaby the Seonna Hong book Animus, and we headed off for Rock n' roll goodness.
So yeah, Clap Your Hands did not dissapoint. I had so much fun. what was funny though was that, as Casey pointed out, in person the singer sounded more like Gary Numan than he did David Byrne.
Oh! Guess who was there? Busy Phillips (Kelly from Freaks and Geeks) and she was with a dude I have seen in a million things but couldn't name.
Here's Busy:
After the show we got some Del Taco and headed back to Casey's and he burned me even more stuff and copied some of the things I bought.
So all-in-all it was a great day and I am glad I went. Here's a list of some of the things that I got that I reccomend you check out:
1.)The Magic Numbers, "The Magic Numbers" (WAY more pop than I had expected, and it's awesome. Five Stars from NME indeed.)
2.)Sigur Ros, "Takk" (duh.)
3.)Tahihi 80, "Puzzle" (I heard this album playing in the Gypsy Den Cafe and fell in love with it.)
4.)Amusement Parks On Fire, "Amusement Parks On Fire" (Casey's reccomendation. Rockin'.)
5.)Innaway, "Innaway" ("Radiohead With Beards"-Casey)