May 05, 2010 16:45
The job search creeps along...
My productivity has slowed due to my general mental state (Very Negative), and my new approach to the dreaded cover letter. In order to combat my main weaknesses (wordiness and not enough of my own voice) I've started writing individual cover letters for every position. I find myself still repeating a lot, but most schools are looking for the same type of candidate, so that isn't a surprise. Still, there has been some improvement overall, so I'll deal with the delay it causes.
The good news is I have an interview tomorrow. Locally, no less. Bryan ISD has an alternative high school that called me right after I sent my application online. The not-so-good news is that this is an alternative high school that I may not be ready to handle. Oh well, I'll let the interviewers be the judge. Based on my research I'm guessing the school is on par with Hearne, only using a different system for students who had trouble in the normal high school system. So we'll see what happens after they make a decision? No need to question myself over my ability if I don't get a job offer.
I've also had letters from two other schools, Tidehaven ISD and River Valley SD in Wisconsin. Haven't heard about an interview yet, but both took the time to send me additional paperwork and information on the positions. I'll take what I can get, considering last year I didn't get anything except from Livingston.
So overall the job search is going better compared to last year. Not sure why I'm so negative about it though. Guess I'm just primed to expect the worst?
Just finished an application for an AWESOME charter school in Philadelphia. It looks like such a fantastic program and I would be more than happy to go back to Philly. I miss the East Coast like crazy.
Alright, enough job blather. Life otherwise has been good. It seems like all I do is work or job applications, so I haven't improved on making my life more interesting. My parents can't find my clarinet, which is such a downer. I also haven't gone to the UU choir because I keep forgetting about rehearsal. Oops? At least Amanda is coming to visit this weekend, which will rock hardcore! And other people have hinted at the possibility of visiting us here in Texas, which would be fantastic. I need reasons to go to Houston or Austin.
I haven't seriously started studying for the GREs yet, which is fine. I haven't signed up for it either. The TExES (Texas teaching test) is going to be an issue sooner rather than later, so I need to get on that. Not worried about the content test except for the Texas History part (Why do you have to be so full of yourself, Texas?), but a pedagogy test is another story. Two of them, no less... Next time I'm home I'll have to collect a few textbooks and old notes from education classes.
And that's about it for now. Freaking out that it is already May, and almost my birthday. Did I really graduate almost a year ago? What the heck have I been doing with me life? So strange.