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Mar 22, 2006 19:58

Ok. So its about time for an update.

Main New Thing: Mono It sucks.

I started feeling bad b4 spring breaks, constant headaches, weak stomach, everytime i ate i felt sick.
Once i got home, i started feeling worse.
Monday: my mom booked me for the Doctors.
Tuesday: i went in to see him, started getting a sore throat. He told me it looked like mono from the way 
my lymph nodes were going up, 
plus, i told him i had a sip from a drink from a girl who had it. No, not by kissing!

Yes, stupid i know. She wasn't really suffering from it anymore, but as soon as i did it, i was like
"Wait, you have Mono" She said not to worry about it, that i shouldn't catch it.
Even another girl took a sip after me, but she didn't get it. I must have drank up all the germs.

Anyway, he gives me a Zpac perscriptions, tells me not to take it till we have the test results. That if its mono, not to take it

Wed: Got blood tested. - I hate needles. I
9 months with Kenny. He takes me to a movie, tried for dinner, but i still couldn't really eat. 
Not a very great night. Kept having to run to bathroom. Felt bad b/c it was our first
anniversery when we were actually together. We can't kiss, i look swollen, i feel like crap.
But none the less, we had fun. Kenny is amazing

Thurs: got worse. My throat got fatter. Kenny and i have a talk about things
Doctor calls, has some of the bloodwork back.  Tells me i have no white blood-cells and this other crap. 
But theres one test left that will confirm it.
But i wouldn't be getting that till Monday....And i'm supposed to be leaving that Sunday.

Friday: Joby comes over to see me! Originally, a group of us had a keys snorkling trip plan.
Obviously that was out of the qestion when i started getting sick.
Then we were going to try for a day at the Marriot. But i was in too bad of shape to leave
and my mom said "no"

Weekend Comes: I get worse. My throat was as big as my head. I tried to sleep, but couldnt sleep 
much b/c i was constantly struggling to breath and all that other crap
My parents decide that i'm staying home for at least another few days. I fight it, but then give in
There would have been no way i could have made it back, i kept getting worse
My mom gets me the Zpac anyways.  I was nervous b/c the Doctors said i shouldn't
but it starts to work and my swelling goes down and my throat pain eases

Wed: finally start feeling better. Go out for errends for the first time for less than 2 hours.
Completely wipes me out and i go home and sleep for a while

Saturday: Ride back to tally w/ Lindsey.

Sunday: Try to catch up on work

This week: Monday, only one class, Tues. i was on campus from 1030-630, just about died.
Litterally, i would find benches and such to lay down for a while for quick rests.

But I feel 200% better. And i'm Soooo incredibly thankful in that. God really helped with that
Thanks for everyones prayers :)

Oh, and my skirt i had been working on and spent all this money on fabrics, turns out i STILL didn't
have enough fabric even though i bought WAYY more than the pattern said i needed.
I had even gone back a 2nd time to get more when i ran out of that.
I dont know how it happened, but i got really upset.

Thats one thing that i really hate about mono, is that its supposed to cause depression
And i get way emotional about things (and i'm NOT like that, everyone knows)

And i do find myself depressed. Mainly, b/c i'm not allowed to go out late, i have to
be in bed early, a some people think that me touching stuff will make them catch it and 
i feel like a leper, and i just have so much to catch up on and no strength.

I used to be able to go days without sleeping. I'd get a little tired at times, sure,
but i was the energizer fricking bunny. I could go and go forever.

So now, since mono stays with you for the rest of your life, just going dormant,
i have to change how i do things. B/c you can relapes easily, which would SUCK.
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