(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 23:18

Ok. So i will say it. I will openly admit it on here.
I have a boyfriend!
Yes, my first real relationship. And he is amazing. I like him more and more each day.

He treats me way too well and says too many nice things to me. He thinks i look good even when i know i look like some white trash woman who's husband just threw her out into the mud after a good beating b/c she was PMSing and complaining to him about how her garlic smelling retainer was irriating her cold sores in her mouth.....ok, i know. I went over the top on that one, but you know what i mean.

So anyways, I really fought it for a long time, trying not to like him. And i was even worse about letting him get close to me. But somehow he broke down all my walls and i'm completely helpless and vulnerable, and i dont care. I'm fine with it. Yeah, there are still tons of things i will have to face and learn about and even more walls i do keep up. But i am open to it for the first time in my life.

I dont want to sound like one of those love sick chicks that talk about her boyfriend all the time. I promise you, that wont be me. But i feel like its good for me to say it on here. Writing things out always puts things into perspective for me, and i guess, for me to admit it on here helps me prove to myself that i'm not ashamed of it!
For a while i just didnt want to believe it, wasnt sure i wanted it...but man, its crazy, its such a short time this has all happened in, but it somehow works.

Billie came over tonight. She just got back from her trip to Austrailia, and we caught up about everything.
So as i talked about Kenny, i couldnt take the smile off my face as i told her how it all happened.

At the end of the convo i said that i have so many good things to say about him, but i dont want to sound like i am bragging or anything. But its just he sometimes acts too good to be true, and i dont believe it
Her response was
"Rachel, you are 20 years old. You have waited so long for a great guy to come along. You deserve this. Now you just got to sit back and enjoy it"

well, she's right. And i need to stop thinking so much, and just enjoy what i have.
Ok, there.
I've said it.
Its out in the open.
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