Alex: tummy ache.!
Chase: you have one
Chase: or your just shouting random illnesses
Alex: i was up on the potty for 2 hours last night
Alex: until 445
Alex: puking and.. you know.
Chase: didnt your ass fall asleep
Alex: i was playing solitaire on my ipod
Chase: hah
so yea, its sad that at 19 years of age i find that funny.
today is kinda blow off day, simply because i lack the motivation. well i did do the chores mum asked me to do, so i guess i have some motivation
i played csi 'dark motives' before, for about an hour and a half but i cant figure out how to link the producer or the stunt show to the girl that owns the bike repair show. so if anyone owns or plays.. or even admits to owning it please tell me how to win the game.
i fucked my car up hardcore