Jul 06, 2004 23:54
so last night andy called me at i don't know what time but him& joe picked me up& we went to mcdonalds. we went back to my house to drop off joey's food& then over to joe's so i could hear their songs. i only got to hear one but it was really good! then we started watching old school but i had to get home. haha i love them they're so awesome& it was good to hang out with them because i hadn't in a real long time so yay for that!
today i worked at 11:30 with shannon& amber! haha it was good times! eww omg katie asked me to take all the slush puppy mixes out of their boxes and put them on the shelves in the store room. so i did all the boxes except two. i opened the second to last one and a huge ass cricket spider jumped out!! OMG i almost peed my pants!! i screamed& went running out to where shannon& amber were. they were all laughing at me lol but there was NO way i was going back in there. but work wasn't bad at all today, katie let us have free icecream or a free slush puppy which was exciting! so i came home& showered& then me& mom went to target. i got a birthday present for katie, a tim mcgraw cd, &something for becky!! haha it's so silly but i know she'll love it lol after target, we went to pius to help mrs. barnes with costumes& such.
tomorrow. . .i dunno what i'm up to. i'm off which is weird, because normally i work wed. but i guess they're training new people, i dunno. but i might go up to the pool to read my book for ap a bit. &then maybe hanging out with samantha? i dunno. . .if anyone wants to do something, let me know!!
love love love<3