
Jan 20, 2004 22:37

three things that scare me:

01/ Death
02/ not doing everything i want to in life

03/ never falling in love

three things that i love:

01/ friends & family

02/ music

03/ gigs

three things that i hate:

01/ migranes being ill in general

02/ the blues

03/ sweeping

three things i don't understand:

01/ my dad

02/ men

03/ michelle

three things on my desk:

01/ pockimon or wotever its called aka my sis's mouse mat

02/ my heart locket

03/ cat's mob.number

three things i'm doing right now:

01/ typing

02/ feeling ill

03/ wearing my mums glasses cause they kill the migranes lol

three things i want to do before i die:

01/ fall in love

02/ go to a down town soul club and completely drunk sing aretha franklins track of my tears lol

03/ have a full on private conversation with davey havok and acey slade, i have this weird theory we'd all get on really well if we all had the chance too lol

three ways to describe my personality:

01/ bubbly

02/ paranoid

03/ shy

three ways to describe my looks:

01/ individual

02/ darkish

03/ different

three things i cant do:

01/ not worry

02/ play the guitar to save myself

03/ conform

three bands i think you should listen to:

01/ AFI

02/ Vain

03/ The Eagles

three things i say the most:

01/ FUCK

02/ SHIT


three of my absolute favourite foods:

01/ purple

02/ glitter

03/ Articia

three things i worry about:

01/ health

02/ family friends

03/ everything in general i worry abt EVERYTHING

three things i'd like to learn:

01/ piano

02/ drive

03/ peirceing

three beverages i drink regurlarly:

01/ water

02/ cappachino

03/ more water

three shows i watched when i was a kid:

01/ the Moomens :D

02/ The Racoons

03/ The Ninja Turtles !!!!!

three people i want to spend more time with:

01/ Claire

02/ Jen

03/ Mum
ps. i didnt say charlene casue we're like joined at the hip already lol

Love, Ash....xxxx.
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