Happy Easter, yo.
Instead of coloring eggs,
kvancelot colored our hair
After! This was after a cup or two of chamomile tea (and a splash olive oil) mixed with Rainbow Persian Red Henna, two hours of a saran- and towel-wrapped head, two cups of black and chai tea (for drinking, silly!), and a smear of makeup.
Me and dear Karen! We bleached hers with 30 lift and tinted with Manic Panic Atomic Turquoise. I think it turned out great! Not sure why we look kinda drunk, though... we've only had, like, three cookingbeers apiece!
I've scored a permanent position within my company - beginning Monday, May 2nd, I'll be an administrative... somethingorother with Vanguard's Financal Advisory Service Sales department. Sounds inspiring, no? >.> Thrilling job or no, I'm glad to make a move from my present department. It's nice, just terribly dull. I'm not expecting much in the way of bells and whistles with the new job, but the change will be nice for a bit, I'm sure.
Other than that, there's not much to update about. George settled into our lives beautifully, as you can
see. He's shed the farmdog dust from his paws and kind of curled up in the cat's chair XD He and
Leo* still aren't best friends 4ever or anything, but at least they're not at odds.
I guess I kind of had a little epiphany today. If not an epiphany, I at least had a very blissful moment. I was walking George home from the dog park (were, let me mention, he was very well-behaved!) and I felt so happy. The sun was shining (shock/surprise for Arizona), a breeze was rustling my dress gently, and I was on my way home to where my wonderful boyfriend and girlfriend were waiting. Now, don't get me wrong, I still have problems. I'm in debt forever, I still need to lose weight and get myself somewhat fit, and I don't feel like I'm living up to my potential (at least academically, nevermind creatively) but for the most part? Life is just wonderful.
I know it sounds pretty shmoopy, but I can't help it. It's been quite some time coming, I think, and I'm thankful contentment has arrived.
* Photo credit: